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- Modeling an Infant's Feeding Schedule with Periodic Smoothing Splines
- Hillslope Position by Soil Series
- SoilWeb Updates
- Visualizing CA Snow Survey Data in R
- New AQP Tutorials
- Basic Simulation of Soil Profile Data in R via AQP
- Automated OSD Lookup and Display via SoilWeb and AQP
- AQP Demo: Applying a Function to Each Soil Profile in a Collection with profileApply()
- Extracting an image chunk from a collection of Large MrSid Images
- soilDB Demo: Processing SSURGO Attribute Data with SDA_query()
- R Quickie: Custom Panel Functions and Default Arguments
- Dissimilarity Between Soil Profiles: A Closer Look
- A Graphical Explanation of how to Interpret a Dendrogram
- AQP / soilDB Demo: Dueling Dendrograms
- A Quick Demo of SoilProfileCollection Methods and Plotting Functions
- Logistic Power Peak (LPP) Simulated Soil Profiles
- Combining Base+Grid Graphics
- Soil-Landscape Block Diagrams in SoilWeb
- Soil Series Query for SoilWeb
- Saving Chunks of SSURGO Data in SoilWeb for Google Earth
- First-Cut Approach to Synchronizing Field Notes with GPS Data
- Visualizing Terrain Surface Indicies with Scaled Arrows
- GEOSTAT 2011 -- Canberra
- A Lattice Panel Function for Filled Polygons that Accounts for Missing Data
- Updates to SoilWeb Mobile: Distance from Nearest Map Unit Boundary
- Initial SoilWeb Concept on Paper
- Tips for Using our Google Earth Interface to SoilWeb
- Three New Soils-Related KMZ Demos
- A Visualization of Soil Taxonomy Down to the Subgroup Level
- Soil Properties Visualized on a 1km Grid
- GRASS Can Make Pretty Maps
- What would a 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile soil profile look like?
- Just for Fun: Using R to Create Targets
- R's Normal Distribution Functions: rnorm and pals
- PostGIS in Action Book Review
- An XML Representation of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy?
- SQLite as an alternative to shapefiles, and some GPS fun in R
- Accessing Climate Change Data and a Custom Panel Function for Filled Polygons
- Yet Another plyr Example
- Updates to SoilWeb
- Interesting use of levelplot() for time series data
- Un-Wrapping a Sphere with R
- Potential Loss of Arable Land in the Central San Joaquin Valley, CA
- Computing Statistics from Poorly Formatted Data (plyr and reshape packages for R)
- Using R to Create Misc. Patterns [smocking]
- Accessing Soil Survey Data via Web-Services
- Making Sense of Large Piles of Soils Information: Soil Taxonomy
- Simple Approach to Converting GRASS DB-backends
- Python Image Module Example: How much ink on that page?
- Streaming Soil Survey Data in Google Earth (updates)
- A need for data management courses in higher education
- Mapping Wi-Fi Network Range with GRASS, Kismet, and python
- Vacation + Sailboat + GPS + GRASS + R
- Exporting GRASS Raster Data to ArcGIS
- Comparing vector reprojection between GDAL 1.3.1 and ArcMap 9.0
- Navigating Wilderness Areas with GRASS (Where 2.0 Presentation)
- PedLogic: An open-source, customizable pedon management system.
- Converting GRASS vectors from 2D into 3D: v.drape
- Transect Ideas: The Sierra Nevada Climo-biosequence
- Quick trip to the Ione formation