Accessing PINN Soils Data in Google Earth

Google Earth provides a flexible and open ended vizualization system for geographic data. We intend to present PINN soils data thorugh our own, 2 dimensional, interface (to avoid dependence on a quasi-free setup like GE). However, there are considerable extra features that can be added onto our presentation of the data through GE. For example, synthesized pedon data, photographs, and even geologic diagrams can be presented to the user in a 3D environment with little work on our end: we have the data, GE does the hard work of presenting it in 3D. Some early examples of what this might be like, along with links to the actual data, are presented below. Download GE and our data to give it a try for yourself.

PINN Data in Google Earth

PINN Data in GE 1

Get Google Earth

Live Data (use a network link)

Static Data (download and open locally)

Converting GIS data to KML