An XML Representation of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy?
May 29, 2010 metroadminMaybe this is just craziness, but wouldn't be neat to have an XML formatted version of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy? The format might look something like the following code snippet, although there may be more efficient uses of XML... The only problem I can see is that it would take a hell of a long time to type in the entire 300+ page document. A complete document of this nature would support all kinds of new and creative uses for the 'keys-- electronic look-up, automated generation of a PDA-ready version, an awesome teaching tool, or just something that could be used to generate cool figures. Anyone know of a quick way to get this put together, or of any similar document that has already been published? Anyone want to help type-in the data?
Western Fresno Soil Hierarchy: partial view of the hierarchy within the US Soil Taxonomic system
Example Document
<order> <gelisols/> <histosols/> <spodosols/> <andisols/> <oxisols/> <vertisols/> <aridisols/> <ultisols/> <mollisols/> <alfisols> <suborder> ... <xeralfs> <greatgroup> ... <natrixeralfs> <criteria code="JDB"> <criterion text="Other xeralfs that have a natric horizon."/> </criteria> <subgroup> <vertic_natrixeralfs> <criteria code="JDBA" which="Natrixeralfs that have one or both of the following"> <criterion text="Cracks within 125 cm of the mineral soil surface that are 5 mm or more wide through a thickness of 30 cm or more for some time in normal years and slickensides or wedge-shaped peds in a layer 15 cm or more thick that has its upper boundary within 125 cm of the mineral soil surface; or"/> <criterion text="A linear extensibility of 6.0 cm or more between the mineral soil surface and either a depth of 100 cm or a densic, lithic, or paralithic contact, whichever is shallower."/> </criteria> </vertic_natrixeralfs> <aquic_natrixeralfs> <critera code="JDBB"> <criterion text="Other natrixeralfs that have, in one or more horizons within 75 cm of the mineral soils surface, redox depletions with chroma of 2 or less and also aquic conditions ofr some time in normal years (or artificial drainage)."/> </critera> </aquic_natrixeralfs> <typic_natrixeralfs> <critera code="JDBC"> <criterion text="Other natrixeralfs."/> </critera> </typic_natrixeralfs> </subgroup> </natrixeralfs> ... </subgroup> </haploxeralfs> </greatgroup> </xeralfs> ... </suborder> </alfisols> ... </order>