Getting Parent Material Data out of SSURGO
May 28, 2010 metroadminParent material data is stored within the copm and copmgrp tables. The copm table can be linked to the copmgrp table via the 'copmgrpkey' field, and the copmgrp table can be linked to the component table via the 'cokey' field. The following queries illustrate these table relationships, and show one possible strategy for extracting the parent material information associated with the largest component of each map unit.
Several of the example queries are based on this map unit:
Query copmgrp table
SELECT *FROM copmgrpWHERE cokey = '461573:631329' ;areasymbol | pmgroupname | rvindicator | cokey | copmgrpkey------------+-------------+-------------+---------------+--------------ca011 | alluvium | Yes | 461573:631329 | 461573:78270X
Query copm table
SELECT *FROM copmWHERE copmgrpkey = '461573:78270' ;areasymbol | pmorder | pmmodifer | pmgenmod | pmkind | pmorigin | copmgrpkey | copmkey------------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+--------------+---------------ca011 | | | | Alluvium | | 461573:78270 | 461573:101001X
Join parent material tables
SELECT cokey, pmgroupname, rvindicator, pmkindFROM copmgrpLEFT JOIN copm USING (copmgrpkey)WHERE cokey = '461573:631329' ;cokey | pmgroupname | rvindicator | pmkind---------------+-------------+-------------+----------461573:631329 | alluvium | Yes | AlluviumX
Join component table to parent material tables
SELECT mukey, cokey, comppct_r, taxorder, taxsuborder, taxgrtgroup, taxsubgrp, compname, pm.pmgroupname, pm.rvindicator, pm.pmkindFROMcomponentLEFT JOIN(-- get parent material data for each cokeySELECT cokey, pmorder, pmmodifer, pmgenmod, pmgroupname, rvindicator, pmkindFROM copmgrpLEFT JOIN copm USING (copmgrpkey)) AS pmUSING (cokey)WHERE mukey = '461573' ;mukey | cokey | comppct_r | taxorder | taxsuborder | taxgrtgroup | taxsubgrp | compname | pmgroupname | rvindicator | pmkind--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+-------------+--------------+---------------------+----------+-------------+-------------+----------461573 | 461573:631329 | 90 | Alfisols | Xeralfs | Palexeralfs | Typic Palexeralfs | Hillgate | alluvium | Yes | Alluvium461573 | 461573:631330 | 5 | Alfisols | Xeralfs | Haploxeralfs | Typic Haploxeralfs | Arbuckle | alluvium | Yes | Alluvium461573 | 461573:631331 | 2 | Entisols | Fluvents | Xerofluvents | Mollic Xerofluvents | Arand | alluvium | Yes | Alluvium461573 | 461573:631332 | 1 | | | | | Unnamed | alluvium | Yes | Alluvium461573 | 461573:631333 | 2 | Mollisols | Xerolls | Haploxerolls | Pachic Haploxerolls | Westfan | alluvium | Yes | AlluviumX
Extract component data and corresponding parent material data for the largest component of each map unit
CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_component_data ASSELECT DISTINCT ON (mukey) mukey, cokey, comppct_r, taxorder, taxsuborder, taxgrtgroup, taxsubgrp, compname, pm.pmgroupname, pm.rvindicator, pm.pmkind, pm.pmorder, pm.pmmodifer, pm.pmgenmodFROMcomponentLEFT JOIN(-- get parent material data for each cokeySELECT cokey, pmorder, pmmodifer, pmgenmod, pmgroupname, rvindicator, pmkindFROM copmgrpLEFT JOIN copm USING (copmgrpkey)) AS pmUSING (cokey)WHERE component.areasymbol IN ('ca624', 'ca628')AND majcompflag = 'Yes'ORDER BY mukey, comppct_r DESC ;-- add an index so that joining with geometry is fasterCREATE INDEX temp_component_data_mukey_idx ON temp_component_data (mukey) ;VACUUM ANALYZE temp_component_data;X
Combine with geometry and prepare for export
-- combine with geometryCREATE TABLE temp_combined_data ASSELECT ogc_fid, wkb_geometry, temp_component_data.*FROM mapunit_polyLEFT JOIN temp_component_data USING (mukey)WHERE mapunit_poly.areasymbol IN ('ca624', 'ca628') ;X
Export to shapefile
# exportpgsql2shp -k -f data.shp -h the_host_machine -P the_username -u the_password -g wkb_geometry ssurgo_combined temp_combined_dataX
Remove temporary tables
-- clean-upDROP TABLE temp_combined_data ;X
Checking Type Locations
Logistics: Getting Connected and Executing Queries
Learning by Example: Common Queries
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