Importing and Exporting from/to a Garmin GPS
Importing and exporting GRASS vector data from/to GPS unit can be done in many ways. The commands and work well for importing track and waypoint data from a GPS. Note however that requires points and track data to be stored in decimal degree format. A simpler approach for dealing with both import and export of vector data from GRASS cab be done with a little bit of awk and the program gpstrans. A few common examples are listed below. Command names are in boldface type, input files are red, and the resulting GRASS data are in green.
Samples from the command line.
Import all way points with labels starting with "0":
#download all waypoints from gps
gpstrans -dw > all_wpts_5-3.ascii
#output from gpstrans looks like:
Format: UTM UTC Offset: -7.00 hrs Datum[066]: NAD83 W 001 01-MAY-06 22:58 12/31/1989 -7:00:00 10 S 0662251 4039089 W 002 01-MAY-06 23:20 12/31/1989 -7:00:00 10 S 0661915 4039282 W 003 01-MAY-06 23:36 12/31/1989 -7:00:00 10 S 0662224 4039287 W 004 02-MAY-06 00:06 12/31/1989 -7:00:00 10 S 0662002 4039768
#import only those which start with "0" into GRASS
awk '{OFS="|"} $2 ~ /^0.?/{print $9,$10,$2}' all_wpts_5-3.ascii | out=new_vector columns="x int, y int, id varchar(3)"
Export from points to Garmin GPS:
gpstrans -uw garmin_points.waypts
Export new route to Garmin GPS:
v.out.ascii pygmy_route_points \
| awk -F"|" 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"; print "Format: UTM UTC Offset: -7.00 hrs Datum[066]: NAD83\nR\t0\t________________"}
{split($1,easting,"."); split($2,northing,".");
print "W","P"$3,"02-MAY-06 17:19","12/31/1989 -7:00:00","10","S","0"easting[1],northing[1]}' > pygmy_route_points.route
#upload new waypoints to gps
gpstrans -ur pygmy_route_points.route
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