Exporting GRASS Raster Data to ArcGIS
Nov 4, 2006 metroadminPremise:
Exporting FCELL or DCELL raster data from GRASS to ArcGIS can be a bit of a pain. Exporting to GeoTIFF with r.out.gdal can result in files which sort of work. In ArcMap these files are initially displayed as having a data range of (1.17549e-038,3.40282e+038). If however, you choose to render the image using a fixed number of classes, the correct data range is displayed. Converting the geotiff to GRID via IMAGEGRID resulting in a bogus file, which appears to be caused by IMAGEGRID interpreting it as integer. Some of theses issues may be associated with this ticket on the OSGEO trac site.
Key points:
- proper encoding of NoData values
- proper encoding of coordinate system metadata
- proper interleaving of geotiff files: Arc-*** wants pixel-interleaved data
Here are some attempts using the spearfish60 sample dataset:
1. Try r.out.gdal [data range in ArcMap 9.2 is reported as (1.17549e-038,3.40282e+038)]
# setup region g.region rast=elevation.10m # export to GeoTIFF r.out.gdal in=elevation.10m format=GTiff type=Float32 \ createopt="COMPRESS=PACKBITS,INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" out=rast1.tif
2. Try r.out.arc and gdal_translate [data range in ArcMap 9.2 is reported as (1.17549e-038,3.40282e+038)]
# 2. export basic ASCII grid r.out.arc in=elevation.10m out=rast2.asc # convert to GeoTIFF and embed SRS # ArcMap 9.2 does not use the world file gdal_translate -a_srs '+proj=utm +zone=13 +a=6378206.4 +rf=294.9786982 +no_defs +nadgrids=/usr/local/grass-6.3.svn/etc/nad/conus +to_meter=1.0' \ -a_nodata -9999 \ -co INTERLEAVE=PIXEL \ -co TFW=YES \ -co COMPRESS=PACKBITS \ rast2.asc rast2.tif
3. Try r.out.arc with post-processing in ArcMap [works fine, SRS is lost, and ASCII files may become VERY large]
# export basic ASCII grid r.out.arc in=elevation.10m out=rast2.asc # convert ASCII grid to ArcInfo GRID format (via ArcInfo Workstation): asciigrid rast2.asc rast2 FLOAT