Some Ideas on Interpolation of Categorical Data
Jan 15, 2009 metroadminPremise
Wanted to make something akin to an interpolated surface for some spatially auto-correlated categorical data (presence/absence). I quickly generated some fake spatially auto-correlated data to work with using in GRASS. These data were converted into a binary map using an arbitrary threshold that looked about right-- splitting the data into something that looked 'spatially clumpy'.
I had used voronoi polygons in the past to display connectivity of categorical data recorded at points, even though sparsely sampled areas tend to be over emphasized. Figure 1 shows the fake spatially auto-correlated data (grey = presence /white = not present), sample points (yellow boxes), and voronoi polygons. The polygons with thicker, red boundaries represent the "voronoi interpolation" of the categorical feature.
Interpolation by RST
Wanting something a little more interesting, I tried interpolating the presence/absence data by via RST. Numerical interpolation of categorical data is usually not preferred as it creates a continuum between discreet classes-- i.e. values that do not have a sensible interpretation. Throwing that aside for the sake of making a neat map, a color scheme was selected to emphasize the categorical nature of the interpolated surface (Figure 2).
Conditional Indicator Simulation
Finally, I gave conditional indicator simulation a try-- this required two steps: 1) fitting a model variogram, 2) simulation. This approach generates different output on each simulation, however, the output represents the original spatial pattern and variability. A more interesting map could be generated by running 1000 simulations and converting them into a single probability map.
Code Snippets
Generate Some Data in GRASS
Perform Indicator Simulation in R
Make Some Maps in GRASS
Simple Map Creation
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