Transformation parameters query
The following is a proof of concept query showing how a PostgreSQL query could give the transformation parameters required for an affine transformation. The source of the procedure is from GRASS at transform.c.
Note that the v.transform code expects the input file (control points) to be in the form ax ay bx by, where 'a' is the starting coordinate system (the bad coordinates in the previous example) and 'b' is the target system (the good coordinates). The
SQL version is as follows:
Sample Session
CREATE TABLE link (gid integer NOT NULL,a_x double precision,a_y double precision,b_x double precision,b_y double precision);-- load data into table-- see attached file at bottom of page-- possibly use the file 'grass_control_pts.csv' ???COPY link FROM 'control_points.txt' ;X
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE cc ASSELECT(SELECT count(b_x) FROM link) AS cc00,(SELECT sum(b_x) FROM link) AS cc01,(SELECT sum(b_y) FROM link) AS cc02,sum(l1.b_x * l2.b_x) AS cc11,sum(l1.b_x * l2.b_y) AS cc12,sum(l1.b_y * l2.b_y) AS cc22FROM link l1 , link l2 WHERE l1.gid = l2.gid;X
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE aa ASSELECT(SELECT sum(a_y) FROM link) AS aa0,sum(l1.a_y * l2.b_x) AS aa1,sum(l1.a_y * l2.b_y) AS aa2FROM link l1 , link l2 WHERE l1.gid = l2.gid;X
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bb ASSELECT(SELECT sum(a_x) FROM link) AS bb0,sum(l1.a_x * l2.b_x) AS bb1,sum(l1.a_x * l2.b_y) AS bb2FROM link l1 , link l2 WHERE l1.gid = l2.gid;X
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE det ASSELECTcc00*cc11*cc22 +cc01*cc12*cc02 +cc02*cc01*cc12 -cc00*cc12*cc12 -cc01*cc01*cc22 -cc02*cc11*cc02 AS det FROM cc;X
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE inv_cc ASSELECT(cc11*cc22-cc12*cc12)/det AS cc00,(cc12*cc02-cc01*cc22)/det AS cc01,(cc01*cc12-cc11*cc02)/det AS cc02,(cc00*cc22-cc02*cc02)/det AS cc11,(cc01*cc02-cc00*cc12)/det AS cc12,(cc00*cc11-cc01*cc01)/det AS cc22FROM cc,det;X
SELECT(aa0*cc00+aa1*cc01+aa2*cc02) AS b0,(aa0*cc01+aa1*cc11+aa2*cc12) AS b1,(aa0*cc02+aa1*cc12+aa2*cc22) AS b2,(bb0*cc00+bb1*cc01+bb2*cc02) AS b3,(bb0*cc01+bb1*cc11+bb2*cc12) AS b4,(bb0*cc02+bb1*cc12+bb2*cc22) AS b5FROM aa,bb,inv_cc;X
This query requires a table called link with the following fields - gid (primary key), a_x, a_y , b_x, b_y. The 'a' values are the 'from' coordinates and the 'b' values are the 'to' coordinates. Using the attached control points the result of this query is:
b0 | b1 | b2 | b3 | b4 | b5------------------+---------------------+-------------------+------------------+------------------+----------------------28138.394850347 | -0.0135202854235867 | 0.997400773420259 | 5017.08164289594 | 1.00231638907948 | 0.00918961946271679X
These are the exact results from 'R'
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