Point-process modelling with the sp and spatstat packages
Some simple examples of importing spatial data from text files, converting between R datatype, creation of a point process model and evaluating the model. Input data sources are: soil pit locations with mollic and argillic diagnostic horizons (mollic-pedons.txt and argillic-pedons.txt), and a simplified outline of Pinnacles National Monument (pinn.txt). The outline polygon is used to define a window in which all operations are conducted.
The 'sp' package for R contains the function spsample(), can be used to create a sampling plan for a given region of interest: i.e. the creation of n points within that region based on several algorithms. This example illustrates the creation of 50 sampling points within Pinnacles, according to the following criteria: regular (points are located on a regular grid), nonaligned (points are located on a non-aligned grid-like pattern), random (points are located at random), stratified (collectively exhaustive, see details here).
The 'spatstat' package for R contains several functions for creating point-process models: models describing the distribution of point events: i.e. the distribution of tree species within a forest. If covariate data is present (i.e. gridded precipitation, soil moisture, aspect, etc.) these covariates can be incorporated into the point-process model. Without covariate data, the model is based on an spatial distribution estimator function. Note that the development of such models is complicated by factors such as edge-effects, degree of stochasticity, spatial connectivity, and stationarity. These are rather contrived examples, so please remember to read up on any functions you plan to use for your own research. An excellent tutorial on Analyzing spatial point patterns in R was recently published.
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Note: This code should be updated to use the slot() function instead of the '@' syntax for accessing slots!
Load required packages and input data (see attached files at bottom of this page)
Using the functions from the 'sp' package create a polygon object from the pinn.txt coordinates
Generate a sampling plan for 50 sites using regular grid, non-aligned grid, random, and random stratified approaches
Convert 'sp' class objects to 'spatstat' analogues note the use of 'slots'
Plot and summarize the new combined set of pedon data
Convert the sampling design points (from above) to 'spatstat' objects and plot their density
Simple, and probably flawed attempt to use a point-process model for the pedon data Third order polynomial model for the distribution of pedons with a mollic epipedon. See manula page for ppm() for detailed examples.
Point-process model diagnostic references from the spatstat manual
Baddeley, A., Turner, R., Moller, J. and Hazelton, M. (2005) Residual analysis for spatial point processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 67, 617–666.
Stoyan, D. and Grabarnik, P. (1991) Second-order characteristics for stochastic structures connected with Gibbs point processes. Mathematische Nachrichten, 151:95–100.
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