Python Image Module Example: How much ink on that page?
Dec 26, 2008 metroadminPremise:
Thought it would be fun to compute how much ink a given poster requires, per unit area of paper, when sending to the department large-format printer. The Python Imaging Library provides several modules suitable for low-level operation on image data. A simple (and probably very inefficient) script was developed to compute the white/black percentage of an image. A script like this could be used to adjust a per-poster "ink cost", which would hopefully prevent people from wasting ink. Obviously, this computation is scale-dependent, so standardized rasterization parameters would have to be set in order for the "ink cost" calculation to be fair. More generalized or efficient approaches are always welcomed.
Implementation: (when copying/pasting note whitespace in blocks)
#!/usr/bin/env python # invoke like this: ./ image.png # idea from import sys import Image # cheap and non-robust way to access first argument file = sys.argv[1] # open the image, load into memory pic = file ) imgdata = pic.load() # extract the dimensions of the image xsize, ysize = pic.size # init some counters black = 0 white = 0 # define some colors (R,G,B) b_color = (0,0,0) w_color = (255,255,255) # loop over columns for x in xrange(xsize): # loop over rows for y in xrange(ysize): if imgdata[x,y] == w_color: white+=1 if imgdata[x,y] == b_color: black+=1 # compute percentages total_pixels = xsize * ysize pct_white = (float(white) / float(total_pixels)) * 100 pct_black = (float(black) / float(total_pixels)) * 100 # formatted printing print "%.3f%% of image is white!" % (pct_white) print "%.3f%% of image is black!" % (pct_black)
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