Something like NASIS-lite: An alternative to PedonPC for scientists and educators; with the ability for simultaneous entry by multiple operators.

Written in PHP, with data stored in PostgreSQL tables, this system allows one to keep a database of properties that are commonly recorded on the two-side NRCS pedon description form. Database structure is similar in nature to SSURGO v2.1 products, and all codes are based on NASIS speficications. However, column names are not the same as NASIS column names. PedLogic was used to digitize over 300 pedon description forms from a Soil Survey project in Pinnacles National Monument, and supported several investigations. In addition, pedon diagrams are constructed from this database and used in a demonstration of Soil Survey data, soon to be available in the PINN visitor center. PedLogic is currently being used to enter nearly 800 pedon chemical and physical description forms associated with the Soil-Veg project.

Association of Photos
There is planned work to include the inclusion of photographs into pedon records. While this functionality is worked out on paper, it will take some time to finish the implementation.

Graphical Tour
The various modes of operation are depicted in the figures to the left. A summary of entered pedons is displayed in the main interface. Figure 1 shows clickable links to location description form (front side of the NRCS pedon description form). Figure 2 illustrates some additional information that is displayed, including positional difference between the location recorded on the pedon description form and waypoint locations from a GPS. Figure 3 shows an example location description form page, with data entered into some of the fields. Previously entered location description form data can later be re-opened for editing as needed. Figure 4 demonstrates the horizon summary page. Horizon information is entered one horizon at a time through the horizon description form (Figure 5).

Figure 1: Main interface detail 1.

Figure 2: Main interface detail 2

Figure 3: Location description form.

Figure 4: Horizon list.

Figure 5: Horizon data form.

Import / Export
Functions for exporting data to a NASIS-friendly format are in the works, and expected to be complete by the end of 2007. Currently, the system will export PedLogic records into XML format. Through the use of technology called Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), it will be possible to convert the intermediate XML file into a variety of other common formats such as: NASIS, Pedon, standard SQL, or CSV. We have begun an initial investigation into using mdbtools to facilitate export into a format (pedon.mdb) which is commonly used within the NRCS/USDA.
