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Converting Alpha-Shapes into SP Objects
Apr 19, 2010 metroadminJust read about a new R package called alphahull (paper) that sounds like it might be a good candidate for addressing this request regarding concave hulls. Below are some notes on computing alpha-shapes and alpha-hulls from spatial data and converting the results returned by ashape() and ahull() into SP-class objects. Note that the functions are attached at the bottom of the page. Be sure to read the license for the alphahull package if you plan to use it in your work.
Figure Alpha-Shape Example
## not widely tested!# need theselibrary(sp)library(spgrass6)library(alphahull)source('alpha-functions.R')# read point vector in from GRASSx <- readVECT6('rtk_pts_5_1')# extract coordinatesx.coords <- coordinates(x)# alpha-shape: 100 meter thresholdx.as <- ashape(x.coords[,1], x.coords[,2], alpha=100)# alpha-hull: 30 meter thresholdx.ah <- ahull(x.coords[,1], x.coords[,2], alpha=30)plot(x.as, cex=0.5, pch=4, xlab='Easting (m)', ylab='Northing (m)', main=expression(paste('100m ', alpha, '-Shape')), asp=1)plot(x.ah, cex=0.5, pch=4, xlab='Easting (m)', ylab='Northing (m)', main=expression(paste('30m ', alpha, '-Hull')), asp=1)## convert into SP objects# alpha-shapex.as.spldf <- ashape_to_SPLDF(x.as, proj4string=x@proj4string)# alpha-hullx.ah.spldf <- ahull_to_SPLDF(x.ah, proj4string=x@proj4string)# check: OKpdf(file='ashape_ahull_demo.pdf', width=6, height=6)par(mar=c(1,1,1,1))plot(x.as.spldf)lines(x.ah.spldf, col='red')points(x, cex=0.5, pch=4, col='blue')legend('bottomright', legend=c(expression(paste('100m ', alpha, '-Shape')), expression(paste('30m ', alpha, '-Hull')), 'Observation'), lty=c(1,1,NA), pch=c(NA,NA,4), col=c('black', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n')dev.off()# save back to GRASS: OKwriteVECT6(x.as.spldf, 'rtk_ashape')# save back to GRASS: OKwriteVECT6(x.ah.spldf, 'rtk_ahull')X
Attachment: alpha-functions.R
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