Aggregating SSURGO Data in R
Sep 10, 2009 metroadminPremise
SSURGO is a digital, high-resolution (1:24,000), soil survey database produced by the USDA-NRCS. It is one of the largest and most complete spatial databases in the world; and is available for nearly the entire USA at no cost. These data are distributed as a combination of geographic and text data, representing soil map units and their associated properties. Unfortunately the text files do not come with column headers, so a template is required to make sense of the data. Alternatively, one can use an MS Access templateto attach column names, generate reports, and other such tasks. CSV file can be exported from the MS Access database for further use. A follow-up post with text file headers, and complete PostgreSQL database schema will contain details on implementing a SSURGO database without using MS Access.
If you happen to have some of the SSURGO tabular data that includes column names, the following R code may be of general interest for resolving the 1:many:many hierarchy of relationships required to make a thematic map.
This is the format we want the data to be in
So we can make a map like this
Loading Data Into R
Function Definitions
Performing the Aggregation
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