Un-Wrapping a Sphere with R
Dec 8, 2009 metroadminPremise
I was recently asked to print out a fabric pattern that could be used to cover a sphere, about the size of a ping pong ball, for the purposes of re-creating a favorite cat toy (quite important). Thinking this over, I realized that this was basically a map projection problem-- and could probably be solved by scaling an interrupted sinusoidal projection to match the geometry of a ping pong ball. Below are some R functions, and examples of how this endeavor evolved. Thanks to Greg Snow for this helpful post on the R-mailing list, describing how to preserve linear measurement when composing a figure in R. So far the pattern doesn't quite fit.
It looks like it was not the printer's fault-- I had used the wrong radius for a ping pong ball: 16mm instead of 19mm or 20mm (there are 38mm and 40mm diameter ping pong balls). Updated files are attached.
Figure: Sinusoidal Projection
Function Defs
# scale to C of ping pong ball: # r = 16mm # C = 2 * pi * 19 = 119.3805 mm (for a 38mm diameter ball) # A = 4 * pi * r^2 = 4536.46 sq. mm # n: number of slices # circ: target circumference # d: number of degrees per increment sphere.slice <- function(n=4, circ, d=10) { # define sinusoidal projection function, fully vectorized # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinusoidal_projection f <- function(lon, lat, lon_0=0, x_0=0) { x <- x_0 + ( (lon - lon_0) * cos((lat*pi/180)) ) y <- lat d <- data.frame(x, y) return(d) } # temp lists used to store intermediate results l <- list() l.sin <- list() # sequences that define longitudinal slices: # slice edges s <- seq(from=-180, to=180, by=360/n) # slice centers s_lon_0 <- seq(from=-180, to=180, by=360/n) + (360/n)/2 # slice false eastings s_x_0 <- seq(from=0, to=360, by=360/n) # generate slices for(i in 1:n) { l[[i]] <- rbind(data.frame(lon=s[i], lat=seq(-90, 90, by=d)), data.frame(lon=s[i+1], lat=seq(90, -90, by=-d))) } # project slices for(i in 1:n) { l.sin[[i]] <- data.frame(f(l[[i]]$lon, l[[i]]$lat, lon_0=s_lon_0[i], x_0=s_x_0[i]), lon_0=s_lon_0[i]) } # combine into DF g <- ldply(l.sin) # scale to user-supplied circumference g.scaled <- with(g, data.frame(x=x * circ/360, y=y * circ/360, lon_0=lon_0)) # done! return(g.scaled) }
Try With Ping Pong Ball Geometry
# need these library(lattice) library(plyr) library(sp) # try it out g.scaled <- sphere.slice(n=4, circ=2*pi*19, d=5) #check visually: aspect is scaled properly xyplot(y ~ x, data=g.scaled, groups=lon_0, pch=4, cex=0.5, aspect='iso', type=c('p','g')) ## check circ: OK sum(abs(range(g.scaled$x))) sum(abs(range(g.scaled$y))) * 2 # check area, by converting to polygons p.list <- by(g.scaled, g.scaled$lon_0, function(p) { Polygon(round(p[,1:2], 4)) }) # compute total area of leaves sum(sapply(p.list, function(i) i@area)) # this is only 3 sq.mm off 4533.58
Generate PDF Output at 1:1 Scale
## plot at 1:1 resolution for printing # http://n4.nabble.com/plot-scale-td906260.html#a906260 # convert to inches g.scaled.in <- with(g.scaled, data.frame(x=x * 0.03937008, y=y * 0.03937008, lon_0=lon_0)) dev.new() tmp <- par('plt') scale <- 1 dx <- diff(range(g.scaled.in$x))*1.08 wx <- grconvertX(dx/scale, from='inches', to='ndc') dy <- diff(range(g.scaled.in$y))*1.08 wy <- grconvertY(dy/scale, from='inches', to='ndc') par(plt = c(tmp[1], tmp[1]+wx, tmp[3], tmp[3]+wy) ) # setup plot, but don't actually plot anything plot(g.scaled.in$x,g.scaled.in$y, type='n') # add a grid grid() # add each slice, as lines by(g.scaled.in, g.scaled.in$lon_0, function(i) { lines(i$x, i$y) })
Attachment: sphere.pdf