Updated version of a previous attempt to use a traveling-salesman approach to visiting data-loggers in steep terrain. This time we use a vector/raster approach (v.rast.stats) to compute the total "cost" incurred along each segment of a network connecting all of our data-loggers. Although this approach requires more computation time (v.rast.stats is slow), we can generate a more detailed cost surface to model movement. In this case we are using a cumulative-traversed-slope derived cost, with a 90% reduction along a local road.

New Approach:

  1. generate a cumulative cost surface, originating at data-logger locations, based on slope angle (r.slope.aspect, r.cost)
  2. generate a network of lines connecting all data-loggers, along with a local road (v.delaunay, v.digit, v.patch)
  3. modify the cost surface along the local road, such that cumulative cost is reduced 90% within 5m of the road (r.buffer, r.mapcalc)
  4. densify the line segments along the network (v.split)
  5. compute the total cost along each line segment of our network (v.rast.stats)
  6. connect data-logger points to delaunay network (
  7. solve the traveling salesman problem (

Optimal Route version 2: 10-meter contours in grey, network in blue, optimal cycle between data-loggers (yellow) in red.
Optimal Route version 2: 10-meter contours in grey, network in blue, optimal cycle between data-loggers (yellow) in red.

Setup the cost surface and network

# generate cost surface based on slope
r.slope.aspect elev=rtk_elev_var_smooth@rtk slope=slope format=percent
r.cost --o -k in=slope start_points=temperature_sites_maybe output=slope_cost
# make a vector of roads within the watershed:
v.digit -n map=roads  bgcmd="d.rast"
# use this to modify the cost surface --o in=roads out=roads use=val val=1
# generate buffer 5 meters from road
r.buffer --o in=roads out=roads_buff distances=5 units=meters
# reduce slope cost to 1% of its value along the buffered road
r.mapcalc "new_cost = if(isnull(roads_buff), slope_cost, (0.01) * slope_cost)"
# generate simple network connecting all points
v.delaunay --o -l in=temperature_sites_maybe out=tri
# combine road network, with delaunay network
v.patch in=tri,roads out=tri_1
v.clean --o in=tri_1 out=tri_1_clean tool=break thresh=1
# densify line segments
v.split --o in=tri_1_clean out=tri_2 length=20
# add categories
v.category --o in=tri_2 out=tri_3 option=add type=line
# add table
v.db.addtable map=tri_3 columns="cat integer"

Compute the total cost along each line segment, solve traveling salesman problem

# better approach to assigning cost, based on cost surface:
# really slow, as it uses vect->rast conversion to compute statistics
# about 3.5 minutes for 588 line features =  features / minute
# set the region to 2m, so that rasterized lines are wider
g.region res=2
v.rast.stats vect=tri_3 layer=1 rast=new_cost colprefix=s
# reset region
g.region res=1
# make network --o in=tri_3 points=temperature_sites_maybe out=net --o operation=connect thresh=10
# check network-- has categories?
v.category net op=report
# solve traveling salesman problem -- does not work with 3D maps
# use regular path-distance cost: --o in=net out=simple_salesman ccats=1-33
# use the total cost surface values / line segment --o in=net out=salesman acol=s_sum ccats=1-33

Optimal Route with cost surface: optimal route in black, cost surface colors: blue = low, red = high.
Optimal Route with cost surface: optimal route in black, cost surface colors: blue = low, red = high.


Traveling Salesman Approach to Visiting Data-loggers

Vector Operations

Working with transects