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Simple Comparision of Two Least-Cost Path Approaches
Feb 19, 2008 metroadminPremise:
Simple comparison between the least-cost path as computed by r.walk vs. r.cost. Default parameters, unity travel friction, and λ = 1 were used with r.walk. Slope percent was used as the accumulated cost for r.cost. Test region similar to that used in a previous navigation example.
- r.walk
- Shorter total path (6.03 km)
- Tendency to stay mid-slope, and cross large drainage at the gentlest possible position
- r.cost
- Longer total path (7.12 km)
- Tendency to follow drainages upstream-- not always possible in steep terrain
Prep work see attached files at bottom of page to re-create
Compute the least-cost path via two methods
Vectorize least-cost paths for further analysis
Simple map
Sample the elevation raster at a regular interval
Plot an elevation profile for each path
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