Comparison of Slope and Intercept Terms for Multi-Level Model
Jan 29, 2009 metroadminPremise
When the relationship between two variable is (potentially) dependent on a third, categorical variable ANCOVA (analysis of covariance), or some variant, is commonly used. There are several approaches to testing for differences in slope/intercepts (in the case of a simple linear model) between levels of the stratifying variable. In R the following formula notation is usually used to test for interaction between levels of a factor (f) and the relationship between two continuous variables x and y: y ~ x * f. A simple graphical exploration of this type of model can be done through examination of confidence intervals computed for slope and intercept terms, for each level of our grouping factor (f). An example of a fictitious dataset is presented below. Note that this a rough approximation for testing differences in slope/intercept within a multi-level model. A more robust approach would take into account that we are trying to make several pair-wise comparisons, i.e. something akin to Tukey's HSD. Something like this can be done with the multcomp package. For any real data set you should always consult a real statistician.
Example Multi-Level Model: each panel represents a model fit to y ~ x, for group f
Example Multi-Level Data
# need this for xyplot()library(lattice)# make some fake data:x <- rnorm(100, mean=3, sd=6)y <- x * runif(100, min=1, max=7) + runif(100, min=1.8, max=5)d <- data.frame(x, y, f=rep(letters[1:10], each=10))# check it outxyplot(y ~ x | f, data=d, type=c('p','r'))X
Example Multi-Level Model: Confidence Intervals: parameter estimates along with 95% confidence interval, within each level of our grouping factor (f).
Automated Plotting of Parameter Confidence Intervals
# split by factord.l <- split(d, d$f)# fit model for each level of factorfits <- lapply(d.l, function(d_i) {lm(y ~ x, data=d_i)})# extract coefsest <- lapply(fits, coef)# compute confintsci <- lapply(fits, confint)ci.mat <-'rbind', ci)est.mat <-'rbind', est)ci.df <- data.frame(f=rep(colnames(sapply(ci, '[')), each=2))ci.df$lower <- ci.mat[,1]ci.df$upper <- ci.mat[,2]# re-attach estimate labelci.df$which <- row.names(ci.mat)# add dummy column for estimateci.df$estimate <- NA# make a data frame for the estimatesest.df <- data.frame(which=rep(colnames(est.mat), each=nrow(est.mat)))est.df$estimate <- as.vector(c(est.mat[,1], est.mat[,2]))est.df$f <- rep(row.names(est.mat), 2)# add dummy columns for upper and lower conf intsest.df$upper <- NAest.df$lower <- NA# combine estimate with confintscombined <- rbind(est.df, ci.df)# combined plot of estimate +/- confintdotplot(f ~ estimate + lower + upper | which, data=combined, scales=list(relation='free'), xlab="Estimate", ylab="Group", auto.key=list(columns=3),par.settings=list(superpose.symbol=list(col=c(1), pch=c(16,1,1), cex=c(1,0.75,0.75))))X
Formal Evaluation with lm()
The first two lines in the output below are testing the hypothesis that the slope and intercept term for level 'a' are not different than 0. Subsequent hypothesis tests are relative to the first 'level' in the dataset. In this case we are testing the hypothesis that intercept and slope terms for levels 'b' through 'j' are not different than the corresponding terms for level 'a'. From the output below we can see that none of the intercept terms (levels 'b' through 'j') are different than for 'a', and that the slope term for level 'd' is only marginally "different" (p=0.0625) than the slope term for 'a'.
Testing Model Terms
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept) 4.99570 4.10909 1.216 0.2276x 4.40546 0.68230 6.457 7.68e-09 ***fb -4.66364 7.28233 -0.640 0.5237fc 1.10173 6.52890 0.169 0.8664fd 1.51033 6.20212 0.244 0.8082fe -5.28549 6.62921 -0.797 0.4276ff -1.37673 6.39280 -0.215 0.8300fg -7.69480 5.93011 -1.298 0.1982fh -2.34349 5.70703 -0.411 0.6824fi 1.14558 6.84805 0.167 0.8676fj -1.12319 7.87523 -0.143 0.8869x:fb 0.92661 0.94257 0.983 0.3285x:fc 0.43454 1.04819 0.415 0.6796x:fd -1.75956 0.93137 -1.889 0.0625 .x:fe -0.08193 0.96216 -0.085 0.9323x:ff -0.42669 0.99172 -0.430 0.6682x:fg 0.57531 0.99279 0.579 0.5639x:fh 1.63650 1.02319 1.599 0.1137x:fi -0.38424 0.97753 -0.393 0.6953x:fj -0.89373 1.14337 -0.782 0.4367X
Using ColorBrewer to assist with thematic map color selection
R: advanced statistical package
Comparison of Slope and Intercept Terms for Multi-Level Model II: Using Contrasts
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