Aug 22, 2005 metroadmin
View of Mt. Defiance from Bear Valley, Pinnacles National Monument. Pan Chromatic 2m res.
Thanks to Markus Neteler for initial insight on how to build an appropriate POVRAY script file.
GRASS Vectors |
SSURGO cutaway |
Slope class cutaway |
Topomap |
Panchromatic |
Near infrared |
Geomorphic features |
GRASS pre-processing
- General Purpose Programming with Scripting Languages
- LaTeX Tips and Tricks
- PostGIS: Spatially enabled Relational Database Sytem
- PROJ: forward and reverse geographic projections
- GDAL and OGR: geodata conversion and re-projection tools
- R: advanced statistical package
- GRASS GIS: raster, vector, and imagery analysis
- Generic Mapping Tools: high quality map production