Aug 22, 2005 metroadmin
View of Mt. Defiance from Bear Valley, Pinnacles National Monument. Pan Chromatic 2m res.
Thanks to Markus Neteler for initial insight on how to build an appropriate POVRAY script file.
![]() GRASS Vectors |
![]() SSURGO cutaway |
![]() Slope class cutaway |
![]() Topomap |
![]() Panchromatic |
![]() Near infrared |
![]() Geomorphic features |
GRASS pre-processing
# C/O Markus Neteler# modified by Dylan Beaudette for UTM projections# 8/22/2005#GRASS procedures:# Note that elevation and overlay must be the same size (dx, dy)# set the region:g.region res=4# dem export cubic-resample from 10m to 4m resolution:r.resamp.interp method=cubic in=elev_meters out=elev.4m# reset resolution to match resampled DEM# this might be required if your DEM does not extend beyond the extent of the resampling step# r.resamp.interp will automatically extend the region when performing resampling, if the raster is large enough# g.region rast=elev.4mr.out.pov map=elev.4m tga=elev.4m.tga# overlay exportr.out.png in=ikonos.rgb out=ikonos.4m.png# Render with POVRAY:povray +Ipinn.pov +Opinn.png +D +P +W800 +H800 +AX
# include ""# include ""# include ""# include ""# declare Sun = color rgb <0.8, 0.8, 0.8>;# declare Scale = 1;light_source { < 667167, 70000, 4040564 > color White }fog {fog_type 2fog_offset 50fog_alt 65color rgb <0.80, 0.88, 0.82>distance 80up y }camera {//looking at Mt. Defiance from Bear Valleylocation <667101.25310945, 600, 4042753.78420398 > //easting, elev, northinglook_at < 664250.03420398, 618, 4037343.47947761 > //easting, elev, northing//looking at McCabe Canyon//location < 667259.00497512, 2000, 4036823.48258706 > //easting, elev, northing//look_at < 665225.75870647, 300, 4041018.51368159> //easting, elev, northingangle 60 // vertical camera aperture}height_field {tga "elev.4m.tga"smoothtexture {pigment {image_map { // image is always projected from -z, with front facing +z, top to +Ypng "ikonos.4m.png" //our overlay image// png "tci.4m.png"once}rotate x*90 // align map to height_field}}finish {ambient 0.2 // Very dark shadowsdiffuse 0.8 // Whiten the whitesphong 0.2 // shinyphong_size 100.0 // with tight highlightsspecular 0.5roughness 0.05}scale < 9270, 65535, 9395 > // dx,dz,dy of extent in meterstranslate < 660575, 0, 4036730> // west_corner, 0, south_corner}sky_sphere{pigment {planar colour_map{[0,rgb <0.9,0.9,1>][1, rgb <0.1,0.2,1>]}}pigment{P_Cloud4}scale 2 //avoid repetiontranslate 300 //dx, dz, dy}X
- General Purpose Programming with Scripting Languages
- LaTeX Tips and Tricks
- PostGIS: Spatially enabled Relational Database Sytem
- PROJ: forward and reverse geographic projections
- GDAL and OGR: geodata conversion and re-projection tools
- R: advanced statistical package
- GRASS GIS: raster, vector, and imagery analysis
- Generic Mapping Tools: high quality map production