AQP Demo: Applying a Function to Each Soil Profile in a Collection with profileApply()
Jun 19, 2012 metroadminHere is a quick demonstration of how functionality from the AQP package can be used to answer complex soils-related questions. In these examples the profileApply() function is used to iterate over a collection of soil profiles, and compute several metrics of soil development:
- depth of maximum clay content
- clay/RF content within the PCS
- clay content within the argillic horizon
- thickness of argillic horizon
- depth to argillic horizon
Example Session
# libraries: you may have to install these library(soilDB) library(Hmisc) library(ape) library(lattice) library(cluster) library(reshape) # load example dataset data(gopheridge) ## aggregates of horizon data, moved into @site # soil depth using an in-line function, note that max(SPC) returns the bottom-most depth # this may not be the same as 'soil depth' when Cr or R horizons are present gopheridge$soil.depth <- profileApply(gopheridge, function(x) max(x)) # horizon-thickness weighted mean (beware of NA) f.wt.prop <- function(x, prop) {h <- horizons(x); w <- with(h, hzdepb-hzdept); wtd.mean(h[[prop]], weights=w)} # get hz mid-point of hz with max clay content f.max.clay.depth <- function(x) { h <- horizons(x) max.clay <- which.max(h$clay) with(h[max.clay, ], (hzdept+hzdepb) / 2) } # apply by-profile, returning a vector, assigned to new column in @site gopheridge$wt.clay <- profileApply(gopheridge, f.wt.prop, prop='clay') gopheridge$wt.rf <- profileApply(gopheridge, f.wt.prop, prop='total_frags_pct') gopheridge$max.clay.depth <- profileApply(gopheridge, f.max.clay.depth) # compute aggregate (wt.mean) clay within particle-size control section # note that this requires conditional eval of data that may contain NA # see ?slab and ?soil.slot for details on the syntax f.pcs.prop <- function(x, prop) { # these are accessed from @site sv <- c(x$psctopdepth, x$pscbotdepth) # test for missing PCS data if(any( return(NA) # create formula from named property fm <- as.formula(paste('~', prop)) # return just the (weighted) mean, accessed from @horizons s <- slab(x, fm, slab.structure=sv,, na.rm=TRUE) return(s$value) } # compute the weighted-mean of some property within a given diagnostic horizon # note that this requires conditional eval of data that may contain NA # see ?slab and ?soil.slot for details on the syntax # note that function expects certain columns within 'x' f.diag.wt.prop <- function(x, d.hz, prop) { # extract diagnostic horizon data d <- diagnostic_hz(x) # subset to the requested diagnostic hz d <- d[d$diag_kind == d.hz, ] # if missing return NA if(nrow(d) == 0) return(NA) # extract depths and check for missing sv <- c(d$featdept, d$featdepb) if(any( return(NA) # create formula from named property fm <- as.formula(paste('~', prop)) # return just the (weighted) mean, accessed from @horizons s <- slab(x, fm, slab.structure=sv,, na.rm=TRUE) return(s$value) } # conditional eval of thickness of some diagnostic feature or horizon # will return a vector of length(x), you can save to @site f.diag.thickness <- function(x, d.hz) { # extract diagnostic horizon data d <- diagnostic_hz(x) # subset to the requested diagnostic hz d <- d[d$diag_kind == d.hz, ] # if missing return NA if(nrow(d) == 0) return(NA) # compute thickness thick <- d$featdepb - d$featdept return(thick) } # conditional eval of top hz depth of diagnostic feature or horizon # will return a vector of length(x), you can save to @site <- function(x, d.hz) { # extract diagnostic horizon data d <- diagnostic_hz(x) # subset to the requested diagnostic hz d <- d[d$diag_kind == d.hz, ] # if missing return NA if(nrow(d) == 0) return(NA) # return top depth return(d$featdept) } # compute wt.mean clay within PCS, save to @site gopheridge$pcs.clay <- profileApply(gopheridge, f.pcs.prop, prop='clay') # compute wt.mean clay within argillic horizon, save to @site gopheridge$argillic.clay <- profileApply(gopheridge, f.diag.wt.prop, d.hz='argillic horizon', prop='clay') # compute argillic hz thickness, save to @site gopheridge$argillic.thick <- profileApply(gopheridge, f.diag.thickness, d.hz='argillic horizon') # compute depth to paralithic contact, if present, save to @site gopheridge$ <- profileApply(gopheridge,, d.hz='paralithic contact') # order by presence of paralithic contact new.order <- order(gopheridge$ par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) plot(gopheridge, name='hzname', plot.order=new.order) # annotate paralithic contact with lines x.pos <- 1:length(gopheridge) lines(x.pos, gopheridge$[new.order], lty=2, col='black') # plot and annotate with max clay depths par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) plot(gopheridge, name='hzname') x.pos <- 1:length(gopheridge) points(x.pos, gopheridge$max.clay.depth, col='white', pch=21, cex=0.75, bg='black') lines(x.pos, gopheridge$max.clay.depth, col='black', lty=2)