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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 1406566 176yu 1j6n3 Jocal loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 41
- 1406568 227yu 1j6n5 Sites gravelly loam, bedrock substratum, 15 to 30 percent slopes 15
- 1406569 226yu 1j6n6 Sites gravelly loam, bedrock substratum, 8 to 15 percent slopes 7
- 1406570 225yu 1j6n7 Sites gravelly loam, bedrock substratum, 3 to 8 percent slopes 23
- 1406571 222yu 2w86v Sites silt loam, 9 to 15 percent slopes, N low montane 248
- 1406580 257 1j6nk Llanoseco silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded 127
- 1406587 258 1j6ns Codora silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 5
- 1406594 307 1j6p0 Duric Xerarents, 0 to 1 percent slopes 1077
- 1406595 306 1j6p1 Duric Xerarents , 0 to 1 percent slopes 1357
- 1406599 370 1j6p5 Palexerults, 2 to 15 percent slopes 1519
- 1406600 366 1j6p6 Palexerults, 30 to 50 percent slopes 530
- 1406601 365 1j6p7 Palexerults, 15 to 30 percent slopes 1779
- 1406606 364 1j6pd Ultic Haploxeralfs, sandstone, low elevation complex 15 to 30 percent slopes 352
- 1406607 363 1j6pf Ultic Haploxeralfs, sandstone, low elevation, complex, 5 to 15 percent slopes 465
- 1406608 362 1j6pg Ultic Haploxeralfs, sandstone, low elevation, complex, 2 to 5 percent slopes 364
- 1406628 449 1j6q3 Haploxerolls loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 3805
- 1406629 448 1j6q4 Haploxerolls clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 4824
- 1406631 998 1j6q6 Dumps, landfill 95
- 1406634 121su 1j6q9 Columbia fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 164
- 1408126 149yu 1j88f Flanly sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 7
- 1415356 221yu 2w86z Sites silt loam, 2 to 9 percent slopes, N low montane 360
- 1415357 252yu 1jhsp Woodleaf gravelly loam, 3 to 15 percent slopes 9
- 1544649 DAM 1nvbd Dams 192
- 3340434 1000 30rww Water-Fluventic Haploxerepts-Oxyaquic Xerofluvents-Oxyaquic Xerorthents complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes, MLRA 17 5069
- 461126 181 hgv1 Dodgeland silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded 1421
- 461127 100 hgv2 Anita-Galt , 0 to 3 percent slopes 433
- 461128 104 hgv3 Bosquejo clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes 8634
- 461129 105 hgv4 Busacca clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 5834
- 461130 110 hgv5 Bosquejo silt loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, overwash, occasionally flooded 213
- 461131 139su hgv6 Liveoak-Galt taxadjuncts , 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 1261
- 461132 120 hgv7 Gridley taxadjunct clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 4127
- 461133 121 hgv8 Boga-Loemstone , 0 to 1 percent slopes 9581
- 461135 125 hgvb Gridley taxadjunct-Calcic Haploxerolls , 0 to 2 percent slopes 2596
- 461136 126 hgvc Liveoak sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 2187
- 461137 127 hgvd Gridley taxadjunct loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 10251
- 461140 130 hgvh Eastbiggs loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 10504
- 461141 133 hgvj Eastbiggs-Galt , 0 to 3 percent slopes 2086
- 461142 136 hgvk Duric Xerarents-Eastbiggs , 0 to 1 percent slopes, leveled 6374
- 461143 143su hgvl Marcum-Gridley clay loams, 0 to 1 percent slopes 195
- 461144 150 hgvm Columbia, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 625
- 461146 152 hgvp Gianella fine sandy loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded 1246
- 461147 153 hgvq Gianella sandy loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded 334
- 461148 154 hgvr Gianella silt loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded 2021
- 461150 158 hgvt Gianella fine sandy loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 8954
- 461152 160 hgvw Gianella loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 863
- 461153 175 hgvx Farwell clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 1640
- 461154 176 hgvy Farwell loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 931
- 461155 177 hgvz Farwell silt loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 1216
- 461157 189 hgw1 Esquon silt loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, overwash 1015
- 461158 150su hgw2 Olashes sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 185
- 461159 200 hgw3 Parrott silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 11732
- 461160 201 hgw4 Parrott silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 1236
- 461161 203 hgw5 Kusalslough silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 680
- 461162 205 hgw6 Parrott-Vermet , 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 1681
- 461163 220 hgw7 Esquon-Clearlake , 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded 904
- 461164 252 hgw8 Whitecabin-Ordferry silty clays, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 2597
- 461165 255 hgw9 Whitecabin-Ordferry , 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 853
- 461166 256 hgwb Whitecabin silt loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 123
- 461167 280 hgwc Columbia very fine sandy loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded 602
- 461168 290 hgwd Perkins gravelly loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 1276
- 461169 310 hgwf Kimball loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes 3735
- 461172 320 hgwj Vistarobles-Redding , 0 to 9 percent slopes 4072
- 461173 330 hgwk Wilsoncreek-Trainer loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 2917
- 461174 335 hgwl Galt clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 199
- 461175 336 hgwm Galt clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes 1395
- 461176 337 hgwn Galt clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, leveled 911
- 461177 400 hgwp Subaco taxadjunct clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes 7613
- 461178 415 hgwq Ignord fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 907
- 461179 418 hgwr Almendra loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 13049
- 461180 419 hgws Conejo fine sandy loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, overwash 800
- 461181 420 hgwt Conejo clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 12953
- 461182 425 2w8b6 Vina fine sandy loam, sandy substratum, 0 to 2 percent slopes, MLRA 17 6475
- 461183 426 2w8b9 Vina loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, MLRA 17 1057
- 461184 440 hgwx Oxyaquic Xerofluvents silt loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded 1060
- 461185 441 hgwy Oxyaquic Xerofluvents very fine sandy loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 916
- 461186 445 hgwz Chico loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 4788
- 461187 500 hgx0 Lofgren-Blavo , 0 to 1 percent slopes 30327
- 461188 501 hgx1 Lofgren-Blavo , 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 14040
- 461189 502 hgx2 Blavo silt loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, overwash, occasionally flooded 344
- 461190 519 hgx3 Edjobe silty clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes 3820
- 461191 520 hgx4 Esquon-Neerdobe , 0 to 1 percent slopes 57846
- 461192 521 hgx5 Neerdobe silt loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, overwash 748
- 461193 522 hgx6 Clearlake silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, overwash, frequently flooded 696
- 461194 523 hgx7 Esquon silty clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, overwash, frequently flooded 926
- 461196 525 hgx9 Govstanford loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 532
- 461197 526 hgxb Govstanford loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 703
- 461201 603 hgxg Oroville-Thermalito-Fernandez-Thompsonflat complex, 0 to 9 percent slopes 12664
- 461203 605 hgxj Duric Xerarents-Oroville , 0 to 1 percent slopes, leveled 576
- 461204 990 hgxk Riverwash, 0 to 2 percent slopes frequently flooded 382
- 461205 118 hgxl Xerorthents, Tailings and 0 to 50 percent slopes 10196
- 461206 179 hgxm Moda taxadjunct-Arbuckle complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes 602
- 461207 178 2t7r8 Arbuckle gravelly loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, MLRA 17 167
- 461208 301 hgxp Wafap-Hamslough , 0 to 2 percent slopes 3144
- 461209 304 hgxq Redtough loam, 8 to 35 percent slopes 377
- 461210 303 hgxr Munjar-Tuscan taxadjunct-Galt , 0 to 2 percent slopes 3704
- 461211 338 hgxs Oxyaquic Xerofluvents silt loam and 0 to 1 percent slopes 2054
- 461212 339 hgxt Oxyaquic Xerofluvents sandy loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes and Frequently flooded 821
- 461213 340 hgxv Rock outcrop-Thermalrocks-Campbellhills , 2 to 15 percent slopes 4246
- 461214 341 hgxw Elsey-Beatsonhollow-Campbellhills-Rock outcrop , 2 to 5 percent slopes 847
- 461215 342 hgxx Thermalrocks-Beatsonhollow taxadjunct-Rock outcrop , 2 to 30 percent slopes 813
- 461217 443 hgxz Durixerolls-haploxerolls loams and 0 to 2 percent slopes 790
- 461218 442 hgy0 Durixerolls-haploxerolls clay loams and 0 to 2 percent slopes 2305
- 461219 606 hgy1 Redtough-Fallager-Anita, gravelly duripan , 0 to 3 percent slopes 2613
- 461224 609 hgy6 Anita, gravelly duripan-Tuscan taxadjunct , 0 to 2 percent slopes 638
- 461227 714 hgy9 Dixmine-Toadtown , 50 to 70 percent slopes 575
- 461228 713 hgyb Dixmine-Toadtown , 30 to 50 percent slopes 688
- 461229 712 hgyc Dixmine-Toadtown , 15 to 30 percent slopes 556
- 461230 711 hgyd Dixmine-Toadtown , 3 to 15 percent slopes 18
- 461231 705 hgyf Typic Haploxeralfs, magnesic-Earlal-Cerpone-Rock outcrop complex, 50 to 80 percent slopes 1879
- 461232 704 hgyg Typic Haploxeralfs, magnesic-Earlal-Cerpone-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 50 percent slopes 3370
- 461233 703 hgyh Cerpone-Typic Haploxeralfs, magnesic-Earlal-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes. 1593
- 461234 702 hgyj Cerpone-Typic Haploxeralfs, magnesic-Earlal complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes 247
- 461235 701 hgyk Powellton-Obstruction , 50 to 70 percent slopes 789
- 461236 700 hgyl Retsongulch-Flumewall , 70 to 100 percent slopes 1533
- 461237 617 hgym Jokerst-Doemill-Typic Haploxeralfs , 15 to 30 percent slopes 1560
- 461238 810 hgyn Dixmine-Mac-Spine , 30 to 50 percent slopes 2028
- 461239 809 hgyp Walkermine-Bottlehill-Logtrain-Rock outcrop , 70 to 110 percent slopes 1048
- 461240 808 hgyq Bottlehill-Walkermine-Logtrain , 50 to 70 percent slopes 2950
- 461241 807 hgyr Bottlehill-Logtrain-Walkermine , 30 to 50 percent slopes 3486
- 461242 806 hgys Bottlehill-Walkermine-Logtrain , 15 to 30 percent slopes 1740
- 461243 805 hgyt Bottlehill-walkermine-logtrain complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes 509
- 461244 804 hgyv Obskel-Obstruction-Retsongulch , 50 to 70 percent slopes 3135
- 461245 803 hgyw Obskel-Obstruction , 30 to 50 percent slopes 4925
- 461246 802 hgyx Obskel-Obstruction , 15 to 30 percent slopes 3354
- 461247 801 hgyy Obstruction gravelly sandy loam, 3 to 15 percent slopes 1355
- 461249 720 hgz0 Dystroxerepts-Haploxeralfs-Rock outcrop , 70 to 110 percent slopes 3824
- 461250 719 hgz1 Griffgulch-Surnuf-Spine taxadjunct , 50 to 70 percent slopes 1422
- 461251 718 hgz2 Griffgulch-Surnuf-Spine taxadjunct , 30 to 50 percent slopes 4110
- 461252 717 hgz3 Griffgulch-Surnuf , 15 to 30 percent slopes 1573
- 461253 716 hgz4 Griffgulch-Surnuf , 3 to 15 percent slopes 269
- 461254 715 hgz5 Logtrain-Bottlehill-Walkermine , 70 to 110 percent slopes 1114
- 461255 827 hgz6 Redbone gravelly medial sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 1519
- 461256 826 hgz7 Redbone gravelly medial sandy loam, 3 to 15 percent slopes 3172
- 461257 839 hgz8 Chawanakee-Billscabin , 2 to 15 percent slopes 311
- 461258 838 hgz9 Dixmine-Spine-Mac , 50 to 70 percent slopes 2650
- 461259 180 hgzb Dodgeland silty clay loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 1516
- 461260 250 hgzc Llanoseco silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 307
- 461261 260 hgzd Ordferry silty clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 742
- 461262 447 hgzf Charger fine sandy loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 2216
- 461263 528 hgzg Neerdobe clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 549
- 461264 999 hgzh Water 20615
- 461265 616 hgzj Jokerst-Doemill-Typic Haploxeralfs , 8 to 15 percent slopes 3935
- 461266 614 hgzk Doemill-Jokerst , 0 to 3 percent slopes 2273
- 461267 842 hgzl Billscabin-Bonneyridge , 50 to 70 percent slopes 1158
- 461268 615 hgzm Doemill-Jokerst , 3 to 8 percent slopes 8975
- 461269 841 hgzn Billscabin-Bonneyridge , 30 to 50 percent slopes 937
- 461270 848 hgzp Bonneyridge-Lewisflat , 30 to 50 percent slopes 3969
- 461271 847 hgzq Bonneyridge-Lewisflat , 15 to 30 percent slopes 4542
- 461272 846 hgzr Bonneyridge-Lewisflat , 2 to 15 percent slopes 957
- 461273 851 hgzs Lewisflat loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 1236
- 461274 850 hgzt Lewisflat loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes 569
- 461275 852 hgzv Lewisflat loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes 421
- 461276 813 hgzw Powellton-Toadtown , 30 to 50 percent slopes 2580
- 461277 811 hgzx Powellton-Toadtown , 3 to 15 percent slopes 1297
- 461278 812 hgzy Powellton-Toadtown , 15 to 30 percent slopes 3098
- 461279 814 hgzz Mountyana gravelly loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes 8099
- 461280 815 hh00 Mountyana gravelly loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 3132
- 461282 817 hh02 Lydon very gravelly medial coarse sandy loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes 378
- 461283 818 hh03 Lydon very gravelly medial coarse sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 506
- 461284 821 hh04 Lydon-Rock outcrop , 70 to 100 percent slopes 175
- 461285 819 hh05 Lydon-Rock outcrop , 30 to 50 percent slopes 2007
- 461286 820 hh06 Lydon-Rock outcrop , 50 to 70 percent slopes 359
- 461287 823 hh07 Bonepile gravelly medial loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 1979
- 461288 822 hh08 Bonepile gravelly medial loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes 2953
- 461289 825 hh09 Beecee-lydon complex, 50 to 70 percent slopes 2356
- 461290 824 hh0b Beecee very gravelly medial loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes 8811
- 461291 830 hh0c Paradiso loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 3547
- 461292 829 hh0d Paradiso loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes 17702
- 461293 902 hh0f Lava flows-Lumpkin , 0 to 15 percent slopes 482
- 461294 905 hh0g Lava flows-Lumpkin , 30 to 50 percent slopes 201
- 461295 903 hh0h Mudwash-Timberisland-Lavatop , 2 to 30 percent slopes 2125
- 461296 904 hh0j Lava flows-Lavatop , 15 to 30 percent slopes 124
- 461302 925 hh0q Powderhouse-McNair-Greenwell , 30 to 50 percent slopes 1651
- 461303 923 hh0r Powderhouse-McNair-Greenwell , 2 to 15 percent slopes 1249
- 461304 924 hh0s Powderhouse-McNair-Greenwell , 15 to 30 percent slopes 2158
- 461305 300 hh0t Redsluff gravelly loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 6921
- 461306 302 hh0v Redtough-Redswale , 0 to 2 percent slopes 7268
- 461330 863 hh1m Toadtown-Powellton , 50 to 70 percent slopes 735
- 461333 906 hh1q Lava flows-Lumpkin , 50 to 70 percent slopes 112
- 461334 416 hh1r Calcic Haploxerolls, 0 to 1 percent slopes 220
- 461335 932 hh1s Shakeridge-Mudwash , 30 to 50 percent slopes 866
- 461337 933 hh1v Shakeridge gravelly medial sandy loam, 50 to 70 percent slopes 138
- 461338 930 hh1w Shakeridge-Timberisland , 0 to 15 percent slopes 267
- 461339 931 hh1x Shakeridge-Mudwash-Timberisland , 15 to 30 percent slopes 1587
- 461340 837 hh1y Hietanen-Spine-Mac , 50 to 70 percent slopes 1419
- 461341 836 hh1z Hietanen-Mac-Spine , 30 to 50 percent slopes 1648
- 461342 835 hh20 Hietanen-Mac , 15 to 30 percent slopes 544
- 461343 834 hh21 Hietanen-Mac , 3 to 15 percent slopes 233
- 461344 833 hh22 Surnuf-Bigridge-Spine , 30 to 50 percent slopes 837
- 461345 832 hh23 Surnuf-Bigridge-Spine , 15 to 30 percent slopes 1186
- 461346 831 hh24 Surnuf-Bigridge-Spine , 3 to 15 percent slopes 887
- 461347 861 hh25 Toadtown-Powellton , 15 to 30 percent slopes 6282
- 461348 860 hh26 Toadtown-Powellton , 2 to 15 percent slopes 3290
- 461349 862 hh27 Toadtown-Powellton , 30 to 50 percent slopes 1768
- 461350 882 hh28 Sites-Jocal taxadjuncts, 30 to 50 percent slopes 1393
- 461351 881 hh29 Sites-Jocal taxadjuncts, 15 to 30 percent slopes 1686
- 461352 880 hh2b Sites-Jocal taxadjuncts, 2 to 15 percent slopes 1199
- 461368 892 hh2v Rogerville silt loam, 50 to 70 percent slopes 110
- 461374 886 hh31 Rogerville silt loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 1604
- 461375 885 hh32 Rogerville silt loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes 1389
- 461381 949 hh38 Rogerville taxadjunct, 30 to 50 percent slopes 181
- 461382 948 hh39 Stagpoint-Dejonah , 50 to 70 percent slopes 268
- 461386 942 hh3f Stagpoint-Dejonah , 30 to 50 percent slopes 2760
- 461387 941 hh3g Dejonah-Stagpoint , 15 to 30 percent slopes 2237
- 461388 940 hh3h Dejonah-Stagpoint , 2 to 15 percent slopes 1001
- 461389 939 hh3j Fluvaquentic Humaquepts and 0 to 15 percent slopes 267
- 461392 934 hh3m Mudwash gravelly medial sandy loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes 1001
- 461393 109 hh3n Bosquejo clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes 789
- 461394 344 hh3p Coalcanyon-Coonhollow-Rock outcrop , 15 to 30 percent slopes 1961
- 461395 343 hh3q Coalcanyon-Coonhollow , 5 to 15 percent slopes 840
- 461399 210 hh3v Featherfalls-Islandbar , 2 to 15 percent slopes 2291
- 461400 211 hh3w Featherfalls-Islandbar , 15 to 30 percent slopes 3793
- 461401 212 hh3x Featherfalls-Islandbar , 30 to 50 percent slopes 3923
- 461402 213 hh3y Featherfalls-Islandbar , 50 to 70 percent slopes 1741
- 461403 214 hh3z Crystalhill-Oregongulch-Craigsaddle-Rock outcrop , 2 to 15 percent slopes 1958
- 461404 215 hh40 Crystalhill-Oregongulch-Craigsaddle-Rock outcrop , 15 to 30 percent slopes 4229
- 461405 217 hh41 Crystalhill-Oregongulch-Craigsaddle-Rock outcrop , 50 to 70 percent slopes 2565
- 461406 216 hh42 Crystalhill-Oregongulch-Craigsaddle-Rock outcrop , 30 to 50 percent slopes 7080
- 461410 244yu hh46 Surnuf gravelly loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes 395
- 461411 243yu hh47 Surnuf gravelly loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 1574
- 461412 242yu hh48 Surnuf gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 1145
- 461416 619 hh4d Carhart taxadjunct, 0 to 2 percent slopes 268
- 461418 883 hh4g Sites-Jocal taxadjuncts, 50 to 70 percent slopes 90
- 461419 893 hh4h Rogerville silt loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes 364
- 461420 439 hh4j Oxyaquic Xerofluvents clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded 781
- 461421 621 hh4k Doemill-Jokerst-Ultic Haploxeralfs, thermic complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes 3835
- 461422 553 hh4l Dunstone-Loafercreek , 15 to 30 percent slopes 7005
- 461423 552 hh4m Dunstone-Loafercreek , 2 to 15 percent slopes 6621
- 461424 551 hh4n Dunstone-Lomarica-Argonaut taxadjunct , 15 to 30 percent slopes 4766
- 461425 550 hh4p Dunstone-loafercreek complex, dry, 1 to 15 percent slopes 6523
- 461426 620 hh4q Doemill-Jokerst-Ultic Haploxeralfs, thermic complex, 3 to 8 percent slopes 4675
- 461434 565 hh4z Dunstone-Argonaut taxadjunct-Sunnyslope , 2 to 15 percent slopes 4148
- 461435 564 hh50 Bigridge-Minniecreek , 50 to 70 percent slopes 450
- 461436 563 hh51 Bigridge-Minniecreek , 30 to 50 percent slopes 1634
- 461437 562 hh52 Bigridge-Minniecreek , 15 to 30 percent slopes 810
- 461438 561 hh53 Bigridge-Minniecreek , 2 to 15 percent slopes 303
- 461439 560 hh54 Hartsmill-Mounthope , 70 to 90 percent slopes 885
- 461440 559 hh55 Hartsmill-Mounthope , 50 to 70 percent slopes 2333
- 461441 558 hh56 Hartsmill-Mounthope , 30 to 50 percent slopes 3773
- 461442 557 hh57 Mounthope-Hartsmill , 15 to 30 percent slopes 2525
- 461443 556 hh58 Mounthope-Hartsmill , 2 to 15 percent slopes 499
- 461444 555 hh59 Dunstone-Loafercreek , 50 to 90 percent slopes 1046
- 461445 554 hh5b Dunstone-Loafercreek , 30 to 50 percent slopes 5662
- 461446 630 hh5c Slideland gravelly loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 389
- 461447 629 hh5d Slideland gravelly loam, 3 to 15 percent slopes 619
- 461448 628 hh5f Rockstripe-Ultic Haploxeralfs-Rock outcrop, cliffs , 70 to 100 percent slopes 2017
- 461449 627 hh5g Ultic Haploxeralfs-Rockstripe-Rock outcrop, cliffs , 50 to 70 percent slopes 5379
- 461450 626 hh5h Ultic Haploxeralfs-Rockstripe-Rock outcrop, cliffs ,30 to 50 percent slopes 11407
- 461451 625 hh5j Ultic Haploxeralfs, mesic-Rockstripe complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes 7495
- 461452 624 hh5k Ultic Haploxeralfs, mesic-Rockstripe complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes 8202
- 461453 623 hh5l Xerorthents, shallow-Typic Haploxeralfs-Rock outcrop, cliffs complex, 30 to 50 percent slopes 11972
- 461454 622 hh5m Xerorthents, shallow-Typic Haploxeralfs-Rock outrcrop, cliffs complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes 11197
- 461455 650 hh5n Schott very gravelly loam, 3 to 15 percent slopes 691
- 461456 649 hh5p Coalcanyon taxadjunct very gravelly loam, 50 to 70 percent slopes 219
- 461457 648 hh5q Coalcanyon taxadjunct very gravelly loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes 684
- 461458 647 hh5r Coalcanyon taxadjunct very gravelly loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 607
- 461459 646 hh5s Coalcanyon taxadjunct very gravelly loam, 3 to 15 percent slopes 72
- 461460 645 hh5t Chinacamp gravelly loam, 50 to 70 percent slopes 325
- 461461 644 hh5v Chinacamp gravelly loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes 1338
- 461462 643 hh5w Chinacamp gravelly loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 2086
- 461463 642 hh5x Chinacamp gravelly loam, 3 to 15 percent slopes 523
- 461464 641 hh5y Ultic Haploxeralfs, sandstone, 70 to 100 percent slopes 173
- 461465 640 hh5z Ultic Haploxeralfs, sandstone, 50 to 70 percent slopes 83
- 461466 639 hh60 Ultic Haploxeralfs, sandstone, 30 to 50 percent slopes 47
- 461467 638 hh61 Ultic Haploxeralfs, sandstone, 15 to 30 percent slopes 59
- 461468 637 hh62 Ultic Haploxeralfs, sandstone, 3 to 15 percent slopes 22
- 461469 636 hh63 Ultic Haploxeralfs, conglomerate complex, 70 to 100 percent slopes 35
- 461470 635 hh64 Ultic Haploxeralfs, conglomerate complex, 50 to 70 percent slopes 267
- 461471 634 hh65 Ultic Haploxeralfs, conglomerate complex, 30 to 50 percent slopes 853
- 461472 633 hh66 Ultic Haploxeralfs, conglomerate complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes 578
- 461473 632 hh67 Ultic Haploxeralfs, Conglomerate complex and 3 to 15 percent slopes 119
- 461474 631 hh68 Slideland gravelly loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes 253
- 461475 656 hh69 Rock outcrop, cliffs-Coalcanyon taxadjunct , 15 to 50 percent slopes 805
- 461476 655 hh6b Coridge-Rock outcrop , 8 to 15 percent slopes 210
- 461477 654 hh6c Coridge-Rock outcrop , 3 to 8 percent slopes 1522
- 461479 652 hh6f Schott-Rock outcrop , 30 to 50 percent slopes 6220
- 461480 651 hh6g Schott very gravelly loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 2068
- 461481 680 hh6h Lucksev-Butteside , 15 to 35 percent slopes 2791
- 461482 679 hh6j Lucksev-Butteside-Carhart , 2 to 15 percent slopes 7780
- 461484 677 hh6l Tuscan-Fallager-Anita, gravelly duripan, , 0 to 3 percent slopes 5637
- 461485 676 hh6m Carhart-Anita taxadjunct , 0 to 12 percent slopes 3756
- 461486 675 hh6n Clearhayes-Hamslough , 0 to 2 percent slopes 3099
- 461490 245 hh6s Surnuf gravelly loam, 50 to 70 percent slopes 305
- 461495 726 hh6y Haploxerands, volcanic till, 30 to 50 percent slopes 560
- 461496 725 hh6z Haploxerands, volcanic till, 15 to 30 percent slopes 1054
- 461497 724 hh70 Haploxerands, volcanic till, 2 to 15 percent slopes 476
- 461498 723 hh71 Haploxerands, granitic till, 30 to 50 percent slopes 474
- 461499 722 hh72 Haploxerands, granitic till, 15 to 30 percent slopes 969
- 461500 721 hh73 Haploxerands, granitic till, 2 to 15 percent slopes 730
- 461501 660 hh74 Bonneyridge-Chawanakee-Rock outcrop , 50 to 70 percent slopes 2145
- 461502 659 hh75 Bonneyridge-Chawanakee-Rock outcrop , 30 to 50 percent slopes 6290
- 461503 658 hh76 Bonneyridge-Chawanakee-Rock outcrop , 15 to 30 percent slopes 4987
- 461504 657 hh77 Bonneyridge-Chawanakee-Rock outcrop , 2 to 15 percent slopes 1881
- 461505 991 hh78 Xerofluvents, 0 to 4 percent slopes frequently flooded 1785
- 461506 209 hh79 Islandbar-Chawanakee , 50 to 70 percent slopes 39
- 461507 208 hh7b Islandbar-Chawanakee , 30 to 50 percent slopes 815
- 461508 207 hh7c Islandbar-Chawanakee , 15 to 30 percent slopes 2422
- 461509 206 hh7d Islandbar-Chawanakee , 3 to 15 percent slopes 2191
- 461514 346 hh7k Cherotable-Elsey , 2 to 15 percent slopes 1039
- 461515 566 hh7l Dunstone-Loafercreek-Katskillhill , 2 to 15 percent slopes 6026
- 461516 583 hh7m Surnuf taxadjunct-Griffgulch , 50 to 70 percent slopes 769
- 461517 582 hh7n Surnuf taxadjunct-Griffgulch , 30 to 50 percent slopes 641
- 461518 581 hh7p Surnuf taxadjunct-Griffgulch , 15 to 30 percent slopes 1454
- 461519 580 hh7q Surnuf taxadjunct-Griffgulch-Rock outcrop , 2 to 15 percent slopes 524
- 461521 672 hh7s Oroshore-Mounthope-Dunstone , 50 to 70 percent slopes 1943
- 461522 671 hh7t Oroshore-Mounthope-Dunstone , 30 to 50 percent slopes 3794
- 461523 670 hh7v Oroshore-Mounthope-Dunstone , 15 to 30 percent slopes 3801
- 461524 669 hh7w Oroshore-Mounthope-Dunstone , 3 to 15 percent slopes 1981
- 461525 668 hh7x Surnuf-Bigridge , 50 to 70 percent slopes 670
- 461526 667 hh7y Surnuf-Bigridge , 30 to 50 percent slopes 1410
- 461527 666 hh7z Surnuf-Bigridge , 15 to 30 percent slopes 1405
- 461528 665 hh80 Surnuf-Bigridge , 3 to 15 percent slopes 807
- 461529 664 hh81 Millerridge-Boxrobber , 50 to 70 percent slopes 357
- 461530 663 hh82 Millerridge-Boxrobber , 30 to 50 percent slopes 1273
- 461531 662 hh83 Millerridge-Boxrobber , 15 to 30 percent slopes 1101
- 461532 661 hh84 Millerridge-Boxrobber , 3 to 15 percent slopes 578
- 461533 684 hh85 Typic Haploxeralfs, magnesic, low elevation-Earlal-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes 192
- 461534 683 hh86 Typic Haploxeralfs, magnesic, low elevation-Earlal-Rock outcrop complex, 3 to 15 percent slopes 102
- 461539 578 hh8c Flanly-Swedesflat , 2 to 15 percent slopes 4491
- 461540 577 hh8d Parkshill-Flanly-Hurleton , 2 to 15 percent slopes 6175
- 461541 567 hh8f Dunstone-Loafercreek-Argonaut taxadjunct , 2 to 15 percent slopes 4575
- 727221 108 sdqr Tuscan-Igo-Anita , 0 to 3 percent slopes 1059
- 727222 119 sdqs Xerorthents, tailings-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes 1906
- 727224 305 sdqv Redtough-Redswale-Anita, gravelly duripan, , 0 to 5 percent slopes 2557
- 727232 318 sdr3 Thompsonflat-Oroville , 0 to 9 percent slopes 7453
- 727233 317 sdr4 Thompsonflat loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes 4573
- 727236 331 sdr7 Thompsonflat loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 2032
- 727348 686 sdvv Redsluff taxadjunct clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 854
- 727349 685 sdvw Bosquejo taxadjunct clay, 0 to 2 percent slopes 624
- 727350 731 sdvx Tusccoll-Schott , 50 to 70 percent slopes 2416
- 727351 730 sdvy Tusccoll-Schott , 30 to 50 percent slopes 3639
- 727352 729 sdvz Bonneyridge sandy loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes 556
- 727353 728 sdw0 Bonneyridge sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 1666
- 727354 727 sdw1 Bonneyridge sandy loam, 1 to 15 percent slopes 1075
- 727355 950 sdw2 Lumpkin taxadjunct-Rock outcrop-Powderhouse , 0 to 15 percent slopes 412
- 727356 997 sdw3 Pits 743
- 727357 996 sdw4 Dumps, excavated material 179
- 727358 995 sdw5 Pits, gravel 84
- 728322 674 sfw8 Chawanakee-Bonneyridge-Rock outcrop , 70 to 110 percent slopes 964
- 749373 218 t4sb Rock outcrop-Lithic Xerorthents-Chawanakee , 12 to 50 percent slopes 977
- 749380 356 t4sk Coalcanyon-Rock outcrop, cliffs-Talus-Coonhollow , 30 to 200 percent slopes 2179
- 749381 355 t4sl Coalcanyon-Talus , 15 to 30 percent slopes 391
- 749382 353 t4sm Cherokeespring gravelly silt loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes 1049
- 749428 587 t4v3 Sommeyflat-Mounthope-Hurleton , 30 to 50 percent slopes 4327
- 749429 586 t4v4 Sommeyflat-Mounthope , 15 to 30 percent slopes 2498
- 749430 585 t4v5 Flanly-Sommeyflat , 2 to 15 percent slopes 2387
- 749431 584 t4v6 Flanly-Swedesflat-Rackerby , 15 to 30 percent slopes 8169
- 749432 734 t4v7 Haploxerands-Aquic Xerofluvents , 0 to 15 percent slopes 717
- 749433 733 t4v8 Haploxeralfs, terrace, 0 to 5 percent slopes 530
- 749434 732 t4v9 Bonepile taxadjunct, 2 to 8 percent slopes 654
- 767451 321 trlh Durixeralfs-Typic Petraquepts , 0 to 2 percent slopes 1870
- 767474 347 trm7 Haplic Palexeralfs loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes 851
- 767477 377 trmb Flagcanyon taxadjunct-Durixeralfs-Duraquerts , 0 to 5 percent slopes 1016
- 767478 376 trmc Flagcanyon-Wickscorner , 2 to 5 percent slopes 2050
- 767479 375 trmd Wickscorner loam, 2 to 10 percent slopes 1194
- 767483 589 trmj Ultic Haploxeralfs, thermic, high terrace, 15 to 30 percent slopes 1829
- 767484 588 trmk Ultic Haploxeralfs, thermic, high terrace, 2 to 15 percent slopes 2963
- 767850 114yu ts0c Sobrante-Auburn gravelly loams, 8 to 15 percent slopes 204
- 767852 111yu ts0f Sobrante-Auburn loams, 8 to 15 percent slopes 159
- 767853 119yu ts0g Auburn-Sobrante-Rock outcrop, 30 to 50 percent slopes 53
- 767855 151yu ts0j Flanly sandy loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes 162
- 767856 165yu ts0k Holland-Hoda-Hotaw , 2 to 30 percent slopes 42
- 767857 173yu ts0l Hotaw-Chawanakee-Holland , 8 to 30 percent slopes 1
- 804235 219 vzw2 Rock outcrop-Lithic Xerorthents-Chawanakee , 50 to 70 percent slopes 206
- 804240 735 vzw7 Fluvaquents, loamy, 0 to 3 percent slopes 241
- 804242 911 vzw9 Endoaquolls, 0 to 8 percent slopes 213
- 815427 188yu wcj3 Mariposa taxadjunct gravelly loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 15
- 815428 189yu wcj4 Mariposa taxadjunct gravelly loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes 2
- 815430 196yu wcj6 Mildred cobbly loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes 13
- 815434 253yu wcjb Woodleaf gravelly loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 15
- 815435 361 wcjc Typic Xerofluvents, sandy-skeletal, 0 to 2 percent slopes 469
- 815436 360 wcjd Typic Xerofluvents complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes 1682
- 815439 963 wcjh Surnuf gravelly loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes, high elevation 269
- 815440 962 wcjj Surnuf gravelly loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes, high elevation 250
- 815441 961 wcjk Surnuf gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, high elevation 133
- 815442 960 wcjl Surnuf gravelly loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes, high elevation 993
- 824116 248yu wnkd Trainer loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 769
- 824117 590 wnkf Vistarobles-Redding-Argonaut taxadjunct-Haploxererts , 0 to 9 percent slopes 6247
- 824118 687 wnkg Xerorthents, shallow-Typic Haploxeralfs complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes 2226
- 843972 951 xb6x Lumpkin taxadjunct-Rock outcrop-Powderhouse , 15 to 30 percent slopes 136
- 886404 118co 2vbtd Clear Lake clay, drained, 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded, MLRA 17 772
- 886410 138su yrcw Liveoak sandy clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 3583
- 886411 163yu yrcx Holillipah loamy sand, 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded 92
- 886413 162 yrcz Gianella loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, rarely flooded 774
- 886414 161 yrd0 Gianella fine sandy loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, rarely flooded 3154