Milok-Solirec-Strych complex, 10 to 65 percent slopes, very stony

Milok (45%)
Semidesert Shallow Loam (Utah Juniper-Pinyon)
Ustic Haplocalcids
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 18 cm
hillslopes / Backslope
hillslopes / Footslope
Solirec (25%)
Semidesert Sandy Loam (Fourwing Saltbush)
Ustic Calciargids
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 27 cm
hillslopes / Backslope
hillslopes / Footslope
Strych (15%)
Semidesert Stony Loam (Utah Juniper-Pinyon)
Ustic Haplocalcids
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 13 cm
hillslopes / Backslope
hillslopes / Footslope
Cragnot (10%)
Shallow Breaks Foothills and Basins West (SwBr)
Haplocalcidic Ustochrepts
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 11 cm
Rock outcrop (5%)

Hydric: No