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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 2600446 NOTCOM NOTCOM No Digital Data Available 1191073
- 3441553 103 2mxl8 Carsitas gravelly sand 1
- 3441555 104 2mxlb Caslo taxon above family, saline 5246
- 3441557 107 2mxlc Glenbar loam 4299
- 3441561 116 2mxlf Imperial-Glenbar silty clay loams complex, 2 to 5 percent slopes 8566
- 3441564 119 2mxlg Indio-Vint complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes 7301
- 3441567 124 2mxlh Niland gravelly sand 526
- 3441569 126 2mxlk Niland fine sand 2128
- 3441572 128 2mxll Niland-Imperial complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes, wet 416
- 3441580 135 2mxlr Rositas fine sand, wet 19
- 3441584 142 2mxlv Vint loamy very fine sand, wet 154
- 3441587 117 2myt0 Indio loam 7
- 3441590 121 2myt3 Meloland fine sand 17076
- 3441592 122 2myt4 Meloland very fine sandy loam, wet 11
- 3441599 143 2mytb Vint fine sandy loam 56
- 3441601 115 2n7xh Imperial-Glenbar silty clay loams complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes, wet 66
- 3441628 132 2mxln Rositas fine sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes 398
- 3441647 144 31hls Vint and Indio very fine sandy loams undifferentiated group, 0 to 2 percent slopes, Wet 7677
- 3441660 112 2mysz Imperial silty clay 1169
- 3441661 145 h90n Water 48
- 3444235 113 31hln Imperial silty clay, saline