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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 2229982 103sf 2dvgx Ahwahnee family-Rock outcrop complex, 35 to 75 percent slopes 53
- 2229984 111sf 2dvgz Cagwin family, 25 to 60 percent slopes 148
- 2229985 112sf 2dvh0 Cagwin-Cannell families complex, 2 to 25 percent slopes 16
- 2229986 113sf 2dvh1 Cagwin family-Lithic Xeropsamments-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes 281
- 2229987 114sf 2dvh2 Cagwin family-Lithic Xeropsamments-Rock outcrop complex, 45 to 65 percent slopes 592
- 2229988 116sf 2dvh3 Cagwin family-Rock outcrop complex, 35 to 65 percent slopes 485
- 2229989 131sf 2dvh4 Dystric Xerochrepts and Typic Xerumbrepts, 20 to 50 percent slopes 485
- 2229990 133sf 2dvh5 Entic Cryumbrepts-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 55 percent slopes 972
- 2229991 135sf 2dvh6 Gerle-Cagwin families association, 35 to 55 percent slopes 23
- 2229992 139sf 2dvh7 Holland-Chaix families complex, 35 to 65 percent slopes 3
- 2229993 144sf 2dvh8 Lithic Xeropsamments-Rock outcrop association, 5 to 40 percent slopes 2834
- 2229994 145sf 2dvh9 Lithic Xeropsamments-Rock outcrop association, 40 to 65 percent slopes 572
- 2229995 147sf 2dvhb Rock outcrop 1678
- 2229996 148sf 2dvhc Rock outcrop-Chawanakee family association, 35 to 65 percent slopes 136
- 2229997 149sf 2dvhd Rock outcrop-Cryorthents complex, 5 to 50 percent slopes 655
- 2229998 151sf 2dvhf Rock outcrop-Entic Cryumbrepts association, 25 to 60 percent slopes 739
- 2229999 152sf 2dvhg Rock outcrop-Lithic Xeropsamments complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes 1637
- 2230000 153sf 2dvhh Rock outcrop-Lithic Xeropsamments complex, 45 to 85 percent slopes 1324
- 2230001 154sf 2dvhj Rock outcrop-Rubble land association 889
- 2230002 155sf 2dvhk Rock outcrop-Stecum family association, 35 to 65 percent slopes 644
- 2230003 158sf 2dvhl Sirretta family, 25 to 50 percent slopes 206
- 2230004 159sf 2dvhm Sirretta family-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes 219
- 2230005 160sf 2dvhn Sirretta family-Rock outcrop complex, 45 to 65 percent slopes 108
- 2230006 161sf 2dvhp Sirretta family and Umpa family, wet, 2 to 25 percent slopes 660
- 2230007 162sf 2dvhq Stecum family, 3 to 35 percent slopes 498
- 2230008 165sf 2dvhr Stecum family-Rock outcrop association, 45 to 65 percent slopes 2208
- 2230009 170sf 2dvhs Typic Xerumbrepts, 5 to 20 percent slopes 539
- 2230010 176sf 2dvht Umpa family, deep, 20 to 60 percent slopes 799
- 2230012 108iw 2dvhw Chesaw-Railcity families-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes. 182
- 2230013 117iw 2dvhx Rock outcrop-Rubble land complex 12383
- 2230014 126iw 2dvhy Vitrandic Cryorthents, pumiceous-Vitrandic Cryorthents-Vitrandic xerothents, pumiceous complex, 0 to 15 percent slopes. 104
- 2230015 132iw 2dvhz Corbett-Railcity families-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 1333
- 2230016 148iw 2dvj0 Stecum-Salt Chuck families complex, 30 to 75 percent slopes. 1859
- 2230017 159iw 2dvj1 Aquic Cryoborolls, 5 to 30 percent slopes. 292
- 2230018 160iw 2dvj2 Haypress family, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 79
- 2230019 164iw 2dvj3 Vitrandic Xerochrepts-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 1108
- 2230020 174iw 2dvj4 Torriorthentic Haploxerolls-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 495
- 2230021 200iw 2dvj5 Nanamkin family, 2 to 60 percent slopes. 113
- 2230022 201iw 2dvj6 Rubble land-Stecum family-Lithic Cryorthents asociation, 30 to 80 percent slopes. 255
- 2230023 213iw 2dvj7 Stecum family-Rubble land complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes. 266
- 2230024 320iw 2dvj8 Waterman-Sur families-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 1366
- 2230025 329iw 2dvj9 Wrango family-Torriorthentic Haploxerolls complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes. 2286
- 2230026 330iw 2dvjb Wrango family-Torriorthentic Haploxerolls complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 2016
- 2230027 342iw 2dvjc Lithic Cryorthents-Stecum family-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 431
- 2230028 345iw 2dvjd Corbett-Nanamkin families-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 31
- 2230029 347iw 2dvjf Nanamkin family-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes. 277
- 2230030 348iw 2dvjg Kilburn family, 5 to 30 percent slopes. 62
- 2230031 349iw 2dvjh Rock outcrop-Biglake family complex, 30 to 70 percent slopes. 1741
- 2230032 352iw 2dvjj Rock outcrop-Biglake-Salt Chuck families complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 4485
- 2230033 353iw 2dvjk Wrango-Berent families-Rock outcrop association, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 881
- 2230034 354iw 2dvjl Berent family-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 414
- 2230035 360iw 2dvjm Rock outcrop-Powment complex, 60 to 90 percent slopes. 3918
- 2230036 366iw 2dvjn Stecum family-Rock outcrop complex, 2to 30 percent slopes. 44
- 2230038 367iw 2dvjq Stecum family-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes. 2979
- 2230039 369iw 2dvjr Rock outcrop-Lithic cryothents-Nanamkin family association, 15 to 60 percent slopes. 19927
- 2230041 371iw 2dvjt Labshaft-Salt Chuck families-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes. 55
- 2230042 387iw 2dvjv Garlet-Stecum families complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes. 237
- 2230043 W 2dvjw Water 1431
- 2230045 115bo 2dvjy Arizo gravelly loamy sand, 5 to 9 percent slopes 344
- 2230046 116bo 2dvjz Arizo gravelly loamy sand, 9 to 15 percent slopes 33
- 2230047 118bo 2dvk0 Arizo-Yellowrock complex, 5 to 9 percent slopes 620
- 2230048 119bo 2dvk1 Arizo-Yellowrock complex, 9 to 15 percent slopes 110
- 2230049 125bo 2dvk2 Bairs-Kilburn family complex, 8 to 30 percent slopes 361
- 2230050 129bo 2dvk3 Berent-Glenbrook-Nanamkin families association, 30 to 50 percent slopes 805
- 2230051 146bo 2dvk4 Cajon gravelly loamy sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes 494
- 2230052 177bo 2dvk5 Cryorthents-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 50 percent slopes 54
- 2230053 227bo 2dvk6 Kilburn family-Watterson-Watterson wet association, 4 to 30 percent slopes 199
- 2230054 231bo 2dvk7 Lithic Torriorthents-Lithic Haplargids-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 75 percent slopes 200
- 2230055 330bo 2dvk8 Torriorthents-Haplargids-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 50 percent slopes 14653
- 2230056 340bo 2dvk9 Ulymeyer-Rovana complex, slightly moist, 5 to 15 percent slopes 123
- 2230057 360bo 2dvkb Whitewolf-Toquerville families association, warm, 15 to 50 percent slopes 512
- 2230058 374bo 2dvkc Yellowrock-Seaman complex, 2 to 5 percent slopes 19
- 2230059 378bo 2dvkd Yermo stony-Yermo complex, 5 to 15 percent slopes 11
- 2230063 210yp 2dvkj Rubble land-Typic Cryorthents-Rock outcrop-Xeric Dystrocryepts complex, 30 to 80 percent slopes, mountainflanks, metamorphic, mafic, cryic 2458
- 2230064 215yp 2dvkk Typic Cryorthents-Rock outcrop-Rubble land complex, 30 to 65 percent slopes, metamorphic, glacially scoured mountain slopes, cryic 30
- 2230065 219yp 2dvkl Rock outcrop-Rubble land-Canisrocks association, 0 to 80 percent slopes, cirqued mountainflanks, cryic 3212
- 2230066 221yp 2dvkm Typic Cryorthents-Xeric Dystrocryepts-Oxyaquic Dystrocryepts complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes, metamorphic, mountain slopes, lateral moraines, cryic 45
- 2230067 222yp 2dvkn Canisrocks-Rubble land-Rock outcrop-Crazymule complex, 30 to 75 percent slopes, mountainflanks, colluvial aprons, cryic 61
- 2230068 223yp 2dvkp Rock outcrop-Rubble land-Canisrocks association, 10 to 65 percent slopes, mountain slopes, cryic 116
- 2230069 224yp 2dvkq Rock outcrop-Crazymule-Vitrandic Cryorthents association, 0 to 45 percent slopes, joints, fractures, scoured, cryic 482
- 2230070 228yp 2dvkr Xeric Dystrocryepts-Vitrandic Eutrocryepts complex, 0 to 15 percent slopes, wet/dry meadows, cryic 112
- 2230071 234yp 2dvks Rock outcrop-Rubble land association, 0 to 80 percent slopes, metamorphic, cirques, mountainflanks, cryic 1578
- 2230073 126sf 2dvkv Chawanakee family-Rock outcrop complex, 35 to 65 percent slopes 924
- 2230076 101ty 2dvky Lithnip-Rock outcrop-Fishsnooze complex, 30 to 75 percent slopes 420
- 2230077 210ty 2dvkz Waterpeak-Rock outcrop complex, 30 to 75 percent slopes 485
- 3231035 1101 2tbfb Rock outcrop, granitic crags-Typic Cryorthents complex, 30 to 100 percent slopes 4830
- 3231036 1102 2t8yy Rock outcrop, granitic crags, 30 to 100 percent slopes 12947
- 3231038 2110 2twpr Rock outcrop, granitic-Benchlake, moist-Langille complex, 2 to 45 percent slopes 292
- 3231039 3134 2twpw Rock outcrop, granitic-Dorst-Lackey complex, 45 to 125 percent slopes 285
- 3231040 3130 2twpq Lackey, cool-Rock outcrop, granitic-Tuohy, steep complex, 15 to 100 percent slopes 545
- 3231041 3131 2tbfd Dorst, moist-Beetlerock-Rock outcrop, granitic complex, 15 to 100 percent slopes 735
- 3231042 3140 2tbff Lackey, cool-Dorst complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes 229
- 3231043 3141 2tbfg Beetlerock-Windowpeak complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes 1248
- 3231044 2138 2r1c4 Rock outcrop, granitic-Canisrocks-Typic Cryorthents, warm complex, 30 to 100 percent slopes 586
- 3231045 3124 2r1c3 Lackey, moraine-Tuohy complex, 2 to 30 percent slopes 257
- 3231046 2137 2tbf2 Canisrocks-Typic Cryorthents, warm-Rock outcrop, granitic complex, 30 to 100 percent slopes 752
- 3231047 1202 2t8z0 Rock outcrop, metamorphic crags, 30 to 100 percent slopes 1332
- 3231048 1103 2t8z1 Typic Cryorthents, 30 to 90 percent slopes 4492
- 3231049 1203 2w869 Typic Cryorthents, metamorphic, 30 to 90 percent slopes 663
- 3231050 2235 2w86c Rock outcrop, metamorphic-Typic Cryorthents, warm metamorphic-Benchlake, warm complex, 15 to 100 percent slopes 139
- 3231051 2116 2w86d Findome-Evolution, dry-Forgotten complex, 2 to 20 percent slopes 12
- 3231052 3120 2wcjv Lackey-Windowpeak, warm-Halstead complex, 6 to 45 percent slopes 77
- 3231053 3235 2t8zl Rock outcrop, metamorphic-Marmot-Windowpeak, dry complex, 30 to 100 percent slopes 63
- 3231054 4145 2wcjj Tharpslog-Bearhill-Tinybaugh complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes 63
- 3231055 5241 2twpx Colonymill, cool-Whiskeylog-Ladybug complex, 30 to 90 percent slopes 61
- 3231056 1115 2w86j Rock outcrop, granitic-Isosceles, cool-Langille, cool complex, 5 to 75 percent slopes 10452
- 3231057 1151 2w86f Polemonium very gravelly coarse sand, 10 to 30 percent slopes 1486
- 3231058 1137 2t8zr Rock outcrop, granitic-Typic Cryorthents-Canisrocks, scree complex, 30 to 100 percent slopes 2801
- 3231059 2230 2w86n Typic Cryorthents, warm metamorphic-Rock outcrop, metamorphic-Canisrocks complex, 30 to 100 percent slopes 355
- 3231060 1237 2w870 Rock outcrop, metamorphic-Typic Cryorthents, metamorphic-Benchlake family complex, 10 to 100 percent slopes 260
- 3231061 3145 2w872 Windowpeak-Halstead complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes 800
- 3231062 4134 2x29m Canyonview, bouldery-Littlebaugh-Rock outcrop, granitic complex, 30 to 100 percent slopes 582
- 3231063 4230 2z27n Littlebaugh-Rock outcrop, metamorphic-Skellog complex, 30 to 120 percent slopes 1692
- 3231064 5020 2z27p Oxyaquic Xerofluvents, frequently flooded-Mollic Xerofluvents complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes 44
- 3231065 5134 2z27q Littlebaugh, warm-Rock outcrop, granitic-Mororock, cool complex, 30 to 120 percent slopes 650
- 3233141 1011 2t8yx Typic Cryorthents, moraine-Glaciers complex, 15 to 90 percent slopes 5016
- 3292037 1215 2w86m Rock outcrop, metamorphic-Benchlake family-Typic Cryorthents, metamorphic complex, 10 to 120 percent slopes 127
- 3292038 2114 2tbf4 Rock outcrop, granitic-Isosceles-McDermand complex, 2 to 20 percent slopes 1648
- 3292039 1201 2tbfc Rock outcrop, metamorphic crags-Typic Cryorthents, metamorphic complex, 30 to 90 percent slopes 568
- 3292040 3234 2w879 Marmot-Mineralking, avalanche-Mineralking complex, 30 to 70 percent slopes 167
- 3292041 3142 2wcjw Mineralking, warm-Lackey-Typic Xerorthents complex, 30 to 60 percent slopes 75
- 3292042 2147 2w86q Typic Cryorthents, warm-Rock outcrop, granitic-McGee complex, 5 to 60 percent slopes 106
- 3292043 3137 2r1c9 Pigchute, cool-Lackey-Tuohy complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes 53
- 3292044 3227 2t8zn Lackey-Hockett complex, 2 to 30 percent slopes 251
- 3292045 2219 2zm39 Rock outcrop, metamorphic-Benchlake family, moist-McDermand complex, 15 to 120 percent slopes 58
- 466845 101 hnsj Mollic Cryoboralfs-Typic Cryumbrepts association, 0 to 30 percent slopes 1951
- 466846 102 hnsk Xeric Vitricryands, 0 to 30 percent slopes 6439
- 466847 103 hnsl Xeric Vitricryands 25 to 55 percent slopes 1090
- 466848 104 hnsm Xeric Vitricryands-Typic Cryorthents, tephritic complex, 0 to 45 percent slopes 8690
- 466849 105 hnsn Typic Cryorthents, 0 to 35 percent slopes 34135
- 466850 106 hnsp Typic Cryorthents, 15 to 50 percent slopes 4937
- 466851 107 hnsq Typic Cryorthents, 50 to 85 percent slopes 1357
- 466852 108 hnsr Typic Cryorthents-Dystric Cryochrepts complex, 15 to 60 percent slopes 10980
- 466853 109 hnss Typic Cryorthents-Dystric Cryochrepts-Rock outcrop complex, 0 to 30 percent slopes 15105
- 466854 110 hnst Typic Cryorthents-Dystric Cryochrepts-Rock outcrop association, 15 to 45 percent slopes 8555
- 466855 111 hnsv Typic Cryorthents-Typic Cryochrepts-Rock outcrop complex, 0 to 45 percent slopes 14005
- 466856 112 hnsw Typic Cryorthents-Entic Cryumbrepts complex, 0 to 45 percent slopes 12533
- 466857 113 hnsx Typic Cryorthents-Typic Cryumbrepts-Rock outcrop complex, 0 to 45 percent slopes 11237
- 466858 114 hnsy Typic Cryorthents-Rock outcrop complex, 0 to 45 percent slopes 35107
- 466859 115 hnsz Typic Cryorthents-Rock outcrop complex, 40 to 85 percent slopes 29585
- 466860 116 hnt0 Typic Cryorthents-Rock outcrop-Lithic Cryorthents complex, 0 to 30 percent slopes 8058
- 466861 117 hnt1 Typic Cryorthents-Rock outcrop-Lithic Cryorthents complex, tephritic, 0 to 30 percest slopes 16313
- 466862 118 hnt2 Typic Cryorthents-Rock outcrop-Lithic Cryorthents complex, tephritic, 30 to 65 percent slopes 5107
- 466863 119 hnt3 Typic Cryorthents-Xeric Vitricryands-Rock outcrop complex, volcanic, 0 to 45 percent slopes 4659
- 466864 120 hnt4 Typic Torriorthents, 5 to 25 percent slopes 21
- 466865 121 hnt5 Typic Torriorthents-Xeric Torriorthents association, 45 to 75 percent slopes 1603
- 466866 122 hnt6 Xeric Torriorthents-Typic Torriorthents-Rock outcrop association, 40 to 85 percent slopes 4072
- 466867 123 hnt7 Dystric Xerorthents-Dystric Xerochrepts complex, 15 to 50 percent slopes 1954
- 466868 124 hnt8 Dystric Xerorthents-Dystric Xerochrepts-Rock outcrop complex, 40 to 85 percent slopes 2941
- 466869 125 hnt9 Dystric Xerorthents-Typic Xerumbrepts-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes 4783
- 466870 126 hntb Dystric Xerorthents-Rock outcrop-Typic Xerumbrepts complex, 0 to 30 percent slopes 1722
- 466871 127 hntc Typic Xerorthents-Entic Haploxerolls complex, 15 to 50 percent slopes 2011
- 466872 128 hntd Typic Xerorthents-Entic Haploxerolls-Typic Xerochrepts complex, 35 to 75 percent slopes 8110
- 466873 129 hntf Typic Xerorthents-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 50 percent slopes 335
- 466874 130 hntg Typic Xerorthents-Rock outcrop complex, 40 to 85 percent slopes 14958
- 466875 131 hnth Typic Torripsamments, 25 to 55 percent slopes 1018
- 466876 132 hntj Typic Torripsamments-Typic Torriorthents-Rock outcrop complex, 25 to 55 percent slopes 1298
- 466877 133 hntk Dystric Cryochrepts-Typic Cryorthents association, 0 to 30 percent slopes 7179
- 466878 134 hntl Dystric Cryochrepts-Entic Cryumbrepts-Typic Cryorthents complex, 0 to 45 percent slopes 5213
- 466879 135 hntm Typic Xerochrepts, 15 to 45 percent slopes 712
- 466880 136 hntn Entic Cryumbrepts-Mollic Cryoboralfs association, 0 to 25 percent slopes 749
- 466881 137 hntp Typic Cryumbrepts, 0 to 30 percent slopes 1456
- 466882 138 hntq Typic Cryumbrepts-Xeric Vitricryands-Rock outcrop complex, volcanic, 0 to 45 percent slopes 6987
- 466883 139 hntr Typic Cryumbrepts-Typic Cryorthents-Rock outcrop complex, 0 to 30 percent slopes 9941
- 466884 140 hnts Typic Cryumbrepts-Dystric Cryochrepts-Typic Cryorthents complex, 0 to 30 percent slopes 16104
- 466885 141 hntt Typic Cryumbrepts-Dystric Cryochrepts-Typic Cryorthents complex, 15 to 45 percent slopes 5999
- 466886 142 hntv Entic Xerumbrepts-Dystric Xerorthents-Rock outcrop association, 40 to 85 percent slopes 11753
- 466887 143 hntw Typic Xerumbrepts-Entic Xerumbrepts-Dystric Xerorthents complex, 5 to 30 percent slopes 3028
- 466888 144 hntx Entic Haploxerolls-Typic Cryoborolls association, 15 to 45 percent slopes 1984
- 466889 145 hnty Entic Haploxerolls-Typic Cryoborolls-Rock outcrop association, 50 to 85 percent slopes 2555
- 466890 146 hntz Rock outcrop and rubble land 67422
- 466891 147 hnv0 Rock outcrop-Typic Cryorthents complex, 0 to 45 percent slopes 68359
- 466892 148 hnv1 Rock outcrop-Typic Cryorthents complex, 40 to 85 percent slopes 97610
- 466893 149 hnv2 Rock outcrop-Typic Cryorthents-Lithic Cryorthents complex, 0 to 30 percent slopes 15630
- 466894 150 hnv3 Rock outcrop-Typic Cryorthents complex, volcanic, 10 to 45 percent slopes 9711
- 466895 151 hnv4 Rock outcrop-Typic Cryorthents-Lithic Cryorthents association, volcanic, 0 to 30 percent slopes 5986
- 466896 152 hnv5 Rock outcrop-Typic Cryorthents-Typic Cryoborolls complex, volcanic, 25 to 50 percent slopes 1909
- 466897 153 hnv6 Rock outcrop-Dystric Xerorthents complex, 30 to 75 percent slopes 9559
- 466898 154 hnv7 Rock outcrop-Dystric Xerorthents-Dystric Xerochrepts complex, 15 to 50 percent slopes 5794
- 466899 155 hnv8 Rock outcrop-Typic Torriorthents complex, 25 to 55 percent slopes 778