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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 455489 100 h8z6 Antho loamy fine sand 4134
- 455490 101 h8z7 Antho-Superstition complex 8416
- 455491 102 h8z8 Badland 4390
- 455492 103 h8z9 Carsitas gravelly sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes 7011
- 455493 104 h8zb Fluvaquents, saline 12262
- 455494 105 h8zc Glenbar clay loam 2951
- 455495 106 h8zd Glenbar clay loam, wet 4239
- 455496 107 h8zf Glenbar complex 12894
- 455497 108 h8zg Holtville loam 2804
- 455498 109 h8zh Holtville silty clay 3628
- 455499 110 h8zj Holtville silty clay, wet 70547
- 455500 111 h8zk Holtville-Imperial silty clay loams 2242
- 455501 112 h8zl Imperial silty clay 1405
- 455502 113 h8zm Imperial silty clay, saline 5679
- 455503 114 h8zn Imperial silty clay, wet 123401
- 455504 115 h8zp Imperial-Glenbar silty clay loams, wet, 0 to 2 percent slopes 203659
- 455505 116 h8zq Imperial-Glenbar silty clay loams, 2 to 5 percent slope s 2162
- 455506 117 h8zr Indio loam 9169
- 455507 118 h8zs Indio loam, wet 13625
- 455508 119 h8zt Indio-Vint complex 29643
- 455509 120 h8zv Laveen loam 2322
- 455510 121 h8zw Meloland fine sand 10748
- 455511 122 h8zx Meloland very fine sandy loam, wet 41734
- 455512 123 h8zy Meloland and Holtville loams, wet 11483
- 455513 124 h8zz Niland gravelly sand 7884
- 455514 125 h900 Niland gravelly sand, wet 9820
- 455515 126 h901 Niland fine sand 2846
- 455516 127 h902 Niland loamy fine sand 2088
- 455517 128 h903 Niland-Imperial complex, wet 6974
- 455518 129 h904 Pits 1400
- 455519 130 h905 Rositas sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes 22608
- 455520 131 h906 Rositas sand, 2 to 5 percent slopes 1590
- 455521 132 h907 Rositas fine sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes 77301
- 455522 133 h908 Rositas fine sand, 2 to 9 percent slopes 40748
- 455523 134 h909 Rositas fine sand, 9 to 30 percent slopes 19401
- 455524 135 h90b Rositas fine sand, wet, 0 to 2 percent slopes 22626
- 455525 136 h90c Rositas loamy fine sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes 90896
- 455526 137 h90d Rositas silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 3737
- 455527 138 h90f Rositas-Superstition loamy fine sands 11373
- 455528 139 h90g Superstition loamy fine sand 12887
- 455529 140 h90h Torriorthents-Rock outcrop complex, 5 to 60 percent slo pes 462
- 455530 141 h90j Torriorthents and Orthids, 5 to 30 percent slopes 900
- 455531 142 h90k Vint loamy very fine sand, wet 31545
- 455532 143 h90l Vint fine sandy loam 13066
- 455533 144 h90m Vint and Indio very fine sandy loams, wet 15462
- 455534 145 h90n Water 3288
- 455536 146 h90q Miscellaneous water