This interface to SoilWeb is now deprecated.
Data are correct but links to documentation are likely broken.
Consider using the current interface to SoilWeb
Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 3357449 E45H1 2zwvk Arctic Foothills-Arctic Upland-Hills and Plains 2145010
- 3357450 E45P 2zwx1 Arctic Foothills-Arctic Upland-Loess Plains and Hills 213920
- 3357451 E46C1 3139k Arctic Coastal Plain-Arctic Lowland-Coastal Plains, High 493369
- 3357452 E46C2 3139l Arctic Coastal Plain-Arctic Lowland-Coastal Plains, Low 21734
- 3357453 E46FP1 3139n Arctic Coastal Plain-Arctic Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 37907
- 3357454 E46NV 3139p Arctic Coastal Plain-Arctic Lowland-Barren Beaches, Bays and Lakes 31820
- 3357455 E43M6 2zwvb Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Alpine-Rugged Mountains, Calcareous 211899
- 3357491 E45W 314nl Arctic Foothills-Water, Saline 448671