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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 3375558 E31FP1 2zww1 Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 119
- 3375559 E31M3 2zww5 Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Upland and Subalpine-Rounded Mountains 54616
- 3375560 E31M4 2zww6 Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Upland-Rounded Mountains, Acid 359434
- 3375561 E31M8 2zww7 Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Alpine and Upland-Rounded Mountains, Acid 287030
- 3375562 E32FP1 2zwwd Yukon Flats-Boreal Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 26865
- 3375563 E32HP 2zwwf Yukon Flats-Boreal Upland-Hills and Plains 419926
- 3375564 E32HPA 2zwwg Yukon Flats-Boreal Upland-Hills and Plains, Acid 130168
- 3375565 E32PH 2zwwh Yukon Flats-Boreal Upland-Plains and Hills 877346
- 3375566 E32PP 2zwwj Yukon Flats-Boreal Lowland-High Flood Plains, Terraces and Peatlands 73459
- 3375567 D32AF7 2wc84 Seventeenmile-Yasuda association, 0 to 3 percent slopes 5068
- 3375568 D32TE3 2snj1 Chissovun-Tajittro-Gushdoiman complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 405
- 3375570 D32TS4 2w71x Typic Cryaquents-Seventeenmile-Scaup complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 416