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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 3375516 E44LM1 2zwvc Northern Brooks Range Mountains-Arctic Upland-Rounded Mountains 34012
- 3375517 E44M1 2zwvd Northern Brooks Range Mountains-Arctic Upland-Rugged Mountains, Calcareous 5327
- 3375518 E44M2 2zwvf Northern Brooks Range Mountains-Arctic Upland-Rugged Mountains 89133
- 3375519 E44RC 2zwvg Northern Brooks Range Mountains-Arctic Upland-Barren Mountains 32479
- 3375520 E44V 2zwvh Northern Brooks Range Mountains-Arctic Upland and Lowland-Glaciated Valleys 37698
- 3375521 E45H1 2zwvk Arctic Foothills-Arctic Upland-Hills and Plains 213
- 3375522 E45H2 2zwvl Arctic Foothills-Arctic Upland-Glaciated Hills and Plains 163910
- 3375523 E31FP1 2zww1 Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 14588
- 3375524 E31M12 2zww3 Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Alpine and Upland-Rugged Mountains 14308
- 3375525 E31M3 2zww5 Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Upland and Subalpine-Rounded Mountains 333
- 3375526 E31M4 2zww6 Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Upland-Rounded Mountains, Acid 326388
- 3375527 E31M8 2zww7 Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Alpine and Upland-Rounded Mountains, Acid 442576
- 3375528 E31M9 2zww8 Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Upland and Alpine-Rugged Mountains 723038
- 3375529 E31MV 2zww9 Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Upland and Lowland-Mountain Valleys 18973
- 3375530 E31PH 2zwwb Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Upland-Hills and Plains 149050
- 3375531 E32HP 2zwwf Yukon Flats-Boreal Upland-Hills and Plains 135197
- 3375532 E32HPA 2zwwg Yukon Flats-Boreal Upland-Hills and Plains, Acid 233691
- 3375533 E32PP 2zwwj Yukon Flats-Boreal Lowland-High Flood Plains, Terraces and Peatlands 114
- 3375534 E34GV 2zwwk Interior Brooks Range Mountains-Boreal Upland and Lowland-Glaciated Valleys 175539
- 3375535 E34GVA 2zwwl Interior Brooks Range Mountains-Boreal Upland and Alpine-Glaciated Valleys 14231
- 3375536 E34M 2zwwm Interior Brooks Range Mountains-Boreal Alpine and Subalpine-Rounded Mountains 136239
- 3375537 E34M2 2zwwn Interior Brooks Range Mountains-Boreal Alpine and Subalpine-Rugged Mountains, Calcareous 70315
- 3375538 E34M3 2zwwp Interior Brooks Range Mountains-Boreal Alpine-Rugged Mountains 183832
- 3375539 E34M4 2zwwq Interior Brooks Range Mountains-Boreal Upland-Rounded Mountains 47652
- 3375540 E34M6 2zwwr Interior Brooks Range Mountains-Boreal Alpine-Barren Mountains 29286
- 3375541 E45P 2zwx1 Arctic Foothills-Arctic Upland-Loess Plains and Hills 10445
- 3375542 E31PHA 314fk Interior Alaska Highlands-Boreal Upland-Hills and Plains, Acid 45888
- 3375543 E33GV 314fw Upper Kobuk and Koyukuk Hills and Valleys-Boreal Upland and Lowland-Glaciated Valleys 100782
- 3375556 D32FP1 2snhm Typic Cryaquents, frequently flooded-Theodore-Riverwash association, 0 to 3 percent slopes 15
- 3375557 D32TE8 2w721 Tajittro-Chissovun-Gushdoiman complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 18513