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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 3357528 E42C1 2zwvz Northern Seward Peninsula-Selawik Lowlands-Arctic Lowland-Coastal Plains, Low 558624
- 3357529 E42C2 2zwvy Northern Seward Peninsula-Selawik Lowlands-Arctic Lowland-Coastal Plains 822446
- 3357530 E43FP2 2zwvx Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 54283
- 3357532 E43GV1 2zwvw Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Upland and Lowland-Glaciated Valleys 84575
- 3357533 E43HP2 2zwvv Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Alpine and Upland-Plains and Hills 282516
- 3357534 E43M1 2zwv8 Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Alpine-Rounded Mountains 13598
- 3357535 E43M7 2zwvq Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Upland-Lower Mountain Slopes 43433
- 3375322 E30M5 314dp Yukon-Kuskokwim Highlands-Boreal Alpine and Subalpine-Rounded Mountains 4610
- 3375323 E33GV1 314fv Upper Kobuk and Koyukuk Hills and Valleys-Boreal Alpine-Glaciated Valleys 136835
- 3375324 E33M1 314ft Upper Kobuk and Koyukuk Hills and Valleys-Boreal Alpine-Rounded Mountains 75783
- 3375325 E33M4 314fx Upper Kobuk and Koyukuk Hills and Valleys-Boreal Upland and Alpine-Rounded Mountains 11052
- 3375326 E33MA 314fy Upper Kobuk and Koyukuk Hills and Valleys-Boreal Alpine-Rounded Mountains, Acid 6021
- 3375327 E41FP1 314hg Seward Peninsula Highlands-Arctic Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 12730
- 3375328 E41LM1 314hj Seward Peninsula Highlands-Arctic Upland-Rounded Mountains 95044
- 3375329 E41LM2 314hk Seward Peninsula Highlands-Arctic Upland-Rounded Mountains, Acid 35272
- 3375330 E41P2 314hn Seward Peninsula Highlands-Arctic Upland-Loess Plains 76020
- 3375331 E42FP1 314hs Northern Seward Peninsula-Selawik Lowlands-Arctic Lowlands-Flood Plains and Terraces 119777
- 3375332 E42P1 314ht Northern Seward Peninsula-Selawik Lowlands-Arctic Upland-Plains, Gravelly 507103
- 3375333 E42W1 314mp Northern Seward Peninsula-Selawik Lowlands-Water, Fresh 47281
- 3375334 E42W 314mq Northern Seward Peninsula-Selawik Lowlands-Water, Saline 216105