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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 3357502 E42C1 2zwvz Northern Seward Peninsula-Selawik Lowlands-Arctic Lowland-Coastal Plains, Low 29213
- 3357503 E42C2 2zwvy Northern Seward Peninsula-Selawik Lowlands-Arctic Lowland-Coastal Plains 60240
- 3357505 E43FP2 2zwvx Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 137646
- 3357506 E43GV 2zwv7 Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Alpine-Glaciated Valleys 420643
- 3357507 E43HP2 2zwvv Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Alpine and Upland-Plains and Hills 75415
- 3357509 E43M1 2zwv8 Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Alpine-Rounded Mountains 195857
- 3357510 E43M2 2zwvs Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Alpine-Rolling Mountains, Calcareous 3751
- 3357511 E43M6 2zwvb Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Alpine-Rugged Mountains, Calcareous 201580
- 3375317 E44LM1 2zwvc Northern Brooks Range Mountains-Arctic Upland-Rounded Mountains 16001
- 3375318 E45H1 2zwvk Arctic Foothills-Arctic Upland-Hills and Plains 186200
- 3375319 E45W 314nl Arctic Foothills-Water, Saline 37604
- 3375320 E42W 314mq Northern Seward Peninsula-Selawik Lowlands-Water, Saline 60284
- 3375321 E43HP3 314j0 Western Brooks Range Mountains, Foothills, and Valleys-Boreal Alpine and Upland-Plains and Hills, Calcareous 163756