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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 3439141 E24C 314kn Cook Inlet Lowlands-Boreal Lowland-Coastal Plains 44304
- 3439142 E24F1 314kp Cook Inlet Lowlands-Boreal Lowland-Flood Plains, Terraces, and Fans 185213
- 3439143 E24F2 314kq Cook Inlet Lowlands-Boreal Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces, Wet 80033
- 3439144 E24P2 314kt Cook Inlet Lowlands-Boreal Upland-Glaciated Plains and Hills 11599
- 3439145 E24P3 314kv Cook Inlet Lowlands-Boreal Upland-Glaciolacustrine Plains 12917
- 3439146 E24P5 314kx Cook Inlet Lowlands-Boreal Upland-Till Plains 72616
- 3439147 E24W1 314n0 Cook Inlet Lowlands-Boreal Water, Fresh 3933
- 3439148 E24W 314mz Cook Inlet Lowlands-Boreal Water, Saline 266298
- 3439149 E25M1 314l1 Southern Alaska Peninsula Mountains-Maritime Upland-Rounded Mountains 21705
- 3439150 E25M3 314l3 Southern Alaska Peninsula Mountains-Maritime Alpine-Barren Mountains 27965
- 3439151 E28GP5 314ll Interior Alaska Mountains-Boreal Alpine-Glaciated Plains and Hills 129890
- 3439152 E28GP6 314lm Interior Alaska Mountains-Boreal Upland and Subalpine-Glaciated Plains and Hills, Ash Influenced 466482
- 3439153 E28GV 314ln Interior Alaska Mountains-Boreal Alpine-Mountain Valleys 4396
- 3439154 E28MT1 314lt Interior Alaska Mountains-Boreal Subalpine and Alpine-Rounded Mountains, Ash Influenced 395690
- 3439155 E28MT2 314lv Interior Alaska Mountains-Boreal Upland and Subalpine-Mountain Valleys, Ash Influenced 430783
- 3439156 E28RC 314m0 Interior Alaska Mountains-Boreal Alpine-Barren Mountains 696025
- 3439157 E28VA 314m2 Interior Alaska Mountains-Boreal Alpine-Mountain Valleys, Ash Influenced 110862
- 3439158 E28W 314n6 Interior Alaska Mountains-Boreal Water, Fresh 104227
- 3439159 E36M1 314g7 Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Maritime Upland-Glaciated Rounded Mountains 15439
- 3439160 E36M2 314g9 Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Maritime Upland and Boreal Upland-Glaciated Rounded Mountains 7301
- 3439161 E36P1 314gb Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Maritime Upland and Boreal Upland-Glaciated Plains 12657
- 3439162 E36P3 314gd Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Maritime Upland-Glaciated Plains and Hills 109027
- 3439163 E36P4 314mv Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Boreal and Northwest Maritimel-Glaciated Plains, Ash Influenced 25731
- 3439164 E36V 314gf Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Maritime Upland and Lowland-Glaciated Valleys 10197
- 3439165 E23V 314km Cook Inlet Mountains-Boreal Upland and Lowland-Valleys 18097
- 3439166 E23M1 314kd Cook Inlet Mountains-Boreal Subalpine and Alpine-Rounded Mountains 160571
- 3439167 E23M3 314kg Cook Inlet Mountains-Boreal Upland-Rounded Mountains 5083
- 3439168 E23M4 314kh Cook Inlet Mountains-Boreal Alpine-Mountains 447552
- 3439169 E23M6 314kk Cook Inlet Mountains-Boreal Upland and Subalpine-Mountains 42461
- 3439170 E23M7 314kl Cook Inlet Mountains-Boreal Alpine-Barren Mountains 756385
- 3439171 E23M5 314kj Cook Inlet Mountains-Boreal Subalpine and Alpine-Mountains, Acid 19764