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Data are correct but links to documentation are likely broken.
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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 3439187 E37C1 314gg Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Lowland-Coastal Plain 5069
- 3439188 E37FP1 314gh Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 8749
- 3439189 E37LM1 314gj Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Upland-Rounded Mountains 1099550
- 3439190 E37M2 314gk Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Upland and Boreal Upland-Rounded Mountains 18630
- 3439191 E37MA 314gl Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Upland-Rugged Mountains, Acid 116094
- 3439192 E37MD 314gm Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Upland-Rugged Mountains, Dark Sedimentary 309
- 3439193 E37P1 314gn Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Upland-Glaciated Plains and Hills 734312
- 3439194 E38C2 314gr Yukon-Kuskokwim Coastal Plain-Maritime Lowland-Coastal Plains, Mid-Level 107
- 3439195 E38C3 314gs Yukon-Kuskokwim Coastal Plain-Maritime Lowland-Coastal Plains, High 105943
- 3439196 E38FP1 314gt Yukon-Kuskokwim Coastal Plain-Maritime Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 19897
- 3439197 E38FP2 314gv Yukon-Kuskokwim Coastal Plain-Boreal Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 45538
- 3439198 E38P1 314gw Yukon-Kuskokwim Coastal Plain-Maritime Lowland-Plains 594156