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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 3357579 E38P1 314gw Yukon-Kuskokwim Coastal Plain-Maritime Lowland-Plains 88009
- 3439172 E36C1 314g6 Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Maritime Lowlands-Coastal Plains, Low 890
- 3439173 E36P1 314gb Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Maritime Upland and Boreal Upland-Glaciated Plains 30069
- 3439174 E36P2 314gc Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Maritime Upland-Glaciated Plains and Peatlands 246766
- 3439175 E36P3 314gd Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Maritime Upland-Glaciated Plains and Hills 106223
- 3439176 E36W1 314nb Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Maritime Water, Fresh 7
- 3439177 E36W 314n9 Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands-Maritime Water, Saline 118112
- 3439178 E37C1 314gg Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Lowland-Coastal Plain 12419
- 3439179 E37FP1 314gh Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 13338
- 3439180 E37LM1 314gj Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Upland-Rounded Mountains 255422
- 3439181 E37P1 314gn Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Upland-Glaciated Plains and Hills 577845
- 3439182 E37W 314nc Ahklun Mountains-Northwest Maritime Water, Saline 448907
- 3439183 E38C2 314gr Yukon-Kuskokwim Coastal Plain-Maritime Lowland-Coastal Plains, Mid-Level 347
- 3439184 E38C3 314gs Yukon-Kuskokwim Coastal Plain-Maritime Lowland-Coastal Plains, High 4814
- 3439185 E38W 314nf Yukon-Kuskokwim Coastal Plain-Maritime Water, Saline 61388