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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 3354715 E20C 314jr Alexander Archipelago-Gulf of Alaska Coast-Maritime Lowland-Coastal Plains, Deltas and Mud Flats 3921
- 3354716 E20H1 314js Alexander Archipelago-Gulf of Alaska Coast-Maritime Upland-Glaciated Hills and Plains 9782
- 3354717 E20M1 314jw Alexander Archipelago-Gulf of Alaska Coast-Maritime Upland and Subalpine-Rounded Mountains 325567
- 3354718 E20M2 314jx Alexander Archipelago-Gulf of Alaska Coast-Maritime Subalpine and Alpine-Rounded Mountains 4025
- 3354719 E20P1 314k1 Alexander Archipelago-Gulf of Alaska Coast-Maritime Upland-Glaciofluvial Plains and Beaches 8719
- 3354720 E20W 314mx Alexander Archipelago-Gulf of Alaska Coast-Maritime Water, Saline 108492
- 3354721 E22F1 314k5 Southern Alaska Coastal Mountains-Maritime Lowland-Flood Plains and Terraces 225
- 3354722 E22H2 314k6 Southern Alaska Coastal Mountains-Maritime Upland-Hills, Recently Glaciated 996
- 3354723 E22M2 314k8 Southern Alaska Coastal Mountains-Maritime Upland-Mountains 31853
- 3354724 E22M4 314kb Southern Alaska Coastal Mountains-Maritime Subalpine and Alpine-Mountains 308413
- 3354725 E22M5 314kc Southern Alaska Coastal Mountains-Maritime Alpine-Barren Mountains 1239949
- 3354726 E23M4 314kh Cook Inlet Mountains-Boreal Alpine-Mountains 25718
- 3354727 E23M7 314kl Cook Inlet Mountains-Boreal Alpine-Barren Mountains 71021
- 3354728 E23V 314km Cook Inlet Mountains-Boreal Upland and Lowland-Valleys 37077
- 3354729 E24C 314kn Cook Inlet Lowlands-Boreal Lowland-Coastal Plains 3600
- 3354730 E28RC 314m0 Interior Alaska Mountains-Boreal Alpine-Barren Mountains 2284