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Links MU Key MU Symbol National MU Symbol MU Name MU Acres
- 1542095 601 1nrp0 Aquic Dystrocryepts-Typic Dystrocryepts-Histels complex 1719
- 1542096 602 1nrp1 Audrey-Butchlake-Typic Aquiturbels complex, 0 to 15 percent slopes 2035
- 1542097 603 1nrp2 Audrey-Typic Aquiturbels complex, 0 to 7 percent slopes 986
- 1542098 604 1nrp3 Babel mucky silt loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes 1714
- 1542099 605 1nrp4 Babel-Butchlake complex, 10 to 20 percent slopes 387
- 1542100 606 1nrp5 Babel-Butchlake complex, 20 to 30 percent slopes 114
- 1542101 607 1nrp6 Butchlake silt loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes 88
- 1542102 608 1nrp7 Butchlake silt loam, 30 to 45 percent slopes 99
- 1542103 609 1nrp8 Butchlake-Nomercy Lake complex, 0 to 80 percent slopes 1282
- 1542104 610 1nrp9 Butchlake-Southpaw complex, 0 to 12 percent slopes 13718
- 1542105 611 1nrpb Butchlake-Southpaw complex, 0 to 35 percent slopes 1417
- 1542106 612 1nrpc Butchlake-Southpaw complex, subalpine, 0 to 35 percent slopes 2152
- 1542107 613 1nrpd Chena very fine sandy loam 1591
- 1542108 614 1nrpf Chena very fine sandy loam, flooded 3326
- 1542109 615 1nrpg Chetlake silt loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes 4438
- 1542110 616 1nrph Donnelly silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 3634
- 1542111 617 1nrpj Donnelly silt loam, 45 to 70 percent slopes 967
- 1542112 618 1nrpk Donnelly-Nenana complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 2692
- 1542113 619 1nrpl Gerstle-Moosehead complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 4249
- 1542114 620 1nrpm Gerstle-Tanana complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 1646
- 1542115 621 1nrpn Gravel pits 32
- 1542116 622 1nrpp Histels, impact area 38701
- 1542117 623 1nrpq Histels-Orthels-Turbels association 28177
- 1542118 624 1nrpr Histels-Orthels-Typic Dystrogelepts complex 1001
- 1542119 625 1nrps Histels-Turbels association 4647
- 1542120 626 1nrpt Histels-Typic Cryaquepts-Typic Dystrocryepts complex 3881
- 1542121 627 1nrpv Histels-Typic Histoturbels-Typic Historthels complex 25773
- 1542122 628 1nrpw Humic Dystrocryepts-Aquic Umbrorthels complex 5842
- 1542123 629 1nrpx Jarvis very fine sandy loam 5337
- 1542124 630 1nrpy Jarvis very fine sandy loam, flooded 771
- 1542125 631 1nrpz Jarvis-Chena complex 219
- 1542126 632 1nrq0 Jarvis-Chena complex, flooded 323
- 1542127 633 1nrq1 Jarvis-Salchaket complex 2818
- 1542128 634 2z3py Lithic Cryofolists-Typic Cryorthents-Typic Histoturbels complex 19981
- 1542129 635 1nrq3 McKinley stony mucky silt loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes 61
- 1542130 636 1nrq4 McKinley stony mucky silt loam, 40 to 70 percent slopes 1331
- 1542131 637 1nrq5 Moosehead fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 541
- 1542132 638 1nrq6 Mosquito peat 533
- 1542133 639 1nrq7 Nenana silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 11230
- 1542134 640 1nrq8 Nenana-Donnelly complex, hilly 1461
- 1542135 641 1nrq9 Nenana-Donnelly complex, rolling 2198
- 1542136 642 1nrqb Nenana-Urban Land complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 940
- 1542137 643 1nrqc Ninchuun silt loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes 2064
- 1542138 644 1nrqd Ninchuun-Audrey complex, 0 to 7 percent slopes 1882
- 1542139 645 1nrqf Ninchuun-Audrey complex, 0 to 35 percent slopes 1096
- 1542140 646 1nrqg Nomercy Lake-Butchlake-Water complex, 0 to 35 percent slopes 6479
- 1542141 647 1nrqh Riverwash 31996
- 1542142 648 1nrqj Salchaket very fine sandy loam 6586
- 1542143 649 1nrqk Salchaket very fine sandy loam, flooded 68
- 1542144 650 1nrql Tanacross peat 226
- 1542145 651 1nrqm Tanana silt loam 4679
- 1542146 652 1nrqn Terric Fibristels-Ruptic-Histic Aquiturbels-Typic Aquiturbels complex 5391
- 1542147 653 1nrqp Terric Fibristels-Typic Histoturbels, complex 3609
- 1542148 654 1nrqq Terric Hemistels, 0 to 3 percent slopes 61
- 1542149 655 1nrqr Terric Hemistels-Typic Aquiturbels-Water complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 1873
- 1542150 656 1nrqs Tetlin silt loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes 574
- 1542151 657 1nrqt Tetlin silt loam, hilly 415
- 1542152 658 1nrqv Tetlin silt loam, steep 1396
- 1542153 659 1nrqw Trident Glacier 1423
- 1542154 660 1nrqx Turbels-Tetlin complex, 7 to 12 percent slopes 7
- 1542155 661 1nrqy Turbels silt loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes 603
- 1542156 662 1nrqz Turbels silt loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes 248
- 1542157 663 1nrr0 Turbels silt loam, 30 to 45 percent slopes 340
- 1542158 664 1nrr1 Turbels-Aquic Dystrocryepts-Water association 6881
- 1542159 665 1nrr2 Turbels-Typic Dystrogelepts-Ruptic-Histic Aquiturbels complex 2396
- 1542160 666 1nrr3 Typic Aquiturbels, 0 to 7 percent slopes 5288
- 1542161 667 1nrr4 Typic Aquiturbels, 0 to 20 percent slopes 169
- 1542162 668 1nrr5 Typic Aquiturbels, subalpine, 0 to 7 percent slopes 2966
- 1542163 669 1nrr6 Typic Aquiturbels-Butchlake-Southpaw complex, 0 to 35 percent slopes 1422
- 1542164 670 1nrr7 Typic Aquiturbels-Terric Hemistels complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 265
- 1542165 671 1nrr8 Typic Aquiturbels-Terric Hemistels complex, 0 to 20 percent slopes 787
- 1542166 672 1nrr9 Typic Aquiturbels-Typic Dystrocryepts complex 3784
- 1542167 673 1nrrb Typic Aquiturbels-Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Haploturbels complex 7689
- 1542168 674 1nrrc Typic Aquiturbels-Typic Histoturbels association 7766
- 1542169 675 1nrrd Typic Aquorthels-Typic Histoturbels complex 5207
- 1542170 676 1nrrf Typic Cryaquepts, 0 to 3 percent slopes 58
- 1542171 677 1nrrg Typic Cryofluvents 700
- 1542172 678 1nrrh Typic Cryofluvents-Histels-Typic Haploturbels association 4603
- 1542173 679 1nrrj Typic Cryofluvents-Typic Dystrocryepts complex 4922
- 1542174 680 1nrrk Typic Cryofluvents-Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Histoturbels complex 14677
- 1542175 681 1nrrl Typic Dystrocryepts-Ruptic-Histic Aquiturbels complex 7094
- 1542176 682 1nrrm Typic Dystrocryepts-Turbels-Water complex, high moraines 22289
- 1542177 683 1nrrn Typic Dystrocryepts-Turbels-Water complex, moraines 40418
- 1542178 684 1nrrp Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Aquiturbels-Typic Haplorthels complex 4815
- 1542179 685 1nrrq Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Cryaquepts-Aquic Dystrocryepts complex 8689
- 1542180 686 1nrrr Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Cryaquepts-Typic Histoturbels complex 6929
- 1542181 687 1nrrs Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Haplocryands-Typic Histoturbels complex 2109
- 1542182 688 1nrrt Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Haploturbels-Typic Aquiturbels complex 7684
- 1542183 689 1nrrv Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Histoturbels complex, moraines 2176
- 1542184 690 1nrrw Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Histoturbels complex, ridges 5999
- 1542185 691 1nrrx Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Histoturbels-Folists association 17379
- 1542186 692 1nrry Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Histoturbels-Typic Aquiturbels complex 4675
- 1542187 693 1nrrz Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Histoturbels-Typic Cryofluvents complex 1717
- 1542188 694 1nrs0 Typic Dystrogelepts-Aquic Dystrocryepts-Orthels complex 2166
- 1542189 695 1nrs1 Typic Dystrogelepts-Aquic Dystrocryepts-Typic Haplorthels complex 3165
- 1542190 696 1nrs2 Typic Dystrogelepts-Lithic Cryofolists complex 1322
- 1542191 697 1nrs3 Typic Dystrogelepts-Typic Cryaquepts-Humic Dystrocryepts complex 4209
- 1542192 698 1nrs4 Typic Haplorthels-Typic Aquiturbels-Ruptic Histoturbels complex 14949
- 1542193 699 1nrs5 Typic Haploturbels-Typic Cryaquepts-Typic Dystrogelepts complex 6978
- 1542194 700 1nrs6 Typic Haploturbels-Typic Histoturbels-Histels complex 18525
- 1542195 701 1nrs7 Typic Historthels-Typic Histoturbels-Terric Fibristels, complex 20972
- 1542196 702 1nrs8 Typic Histoturbels 13817
- 1542197 703 1nrs9 Typic Histoturbels-Glacic Aquiturbels-Histels association 5450
- 1542198 704 1nrsb Typic Histoturbels-Histels-Typic Dystrogelepts complex 2522
- 1542199 705 1nrsc Typic Histoturbels-Typic Aquiturbels-Terric Fibristels complex 23509
- 1542200 706 1nrsd Typic Histoturbels-Typic Dystrocryepts complex 1049
- 1542201 707 1nrsf Typic Histoturbels-Typic Dystrocryepts complex, hills 3197
- 1542202 708 1nrsg Typic Histoturbels-Typic Dystrocryepts complex, ridges 10231
- 1542203 709 1nrsh Typic Histoturbels-Typic Dystrocryepts-Terric Fibristels complex 2295
- 1542204 710 1nrsj Typic Histoturbels-Typic Dystrocryepts-Typic Historthels complex 8290
- 1542205 711 1nrsk Typic Histoturbels-Typic Dystrogelepts complex 4081
- 1542206 712 1nrsl Typic Histoturbels-Typic Dystrocryepts-Water complex 18625
- 1542207 713 1nrsm Typic Histoturbels-Typic Haplorthels-Terric Hemistels complex 3411
- 1542208 714 1nrsn Typic Histoturbels-Typic Haploturbels-Typic Dystrogelepts association 18639
- 1542209 715 1nrsp Volkmar silt loam, undulating 365
- 1542210 716 1nrsq Volkmar-Nenana complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 1661
- 1542211 717 1nrsr Water 517