Vassar-Moscow association, 20 to 65 percent slopes

Vassar (50%)
Warm-Frigid, Udic, Unglaciated, Loamy, Hills and Mountains, Ashy surface (western redcedar) Western Redcedar / Bride's Bonnet - Wild Ginger
Typic Udivitrands
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 18 cm
mountain slopes
Moscow (30%)
Warm-Frigid, Moist- Xeric Loamy Foothills/Mountainsides, ashy surface (Grand Fir Warm Dry Shrub) Abies grandis - Pseudotsuga menziesii / Physocarpus malvaceus - Symphoricarpos albus
Andic Dystroxerepts
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 12 cm
mountain slopes