Cook Inlet Mountains-Boreal Subalpine and Alpine-Rounded Mountains

E23-boreal subalpine scrub/meadow mosaic-silty till slopes (40%)
Andic Humicryods
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 20 cm
mountain slopes / Backslope
mountain slopes / Footslope
E23-boreal alpine scrub-silty hummocks (24%)
Typic Humicryods
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 36 cm
mountain slopes / Backslope
E23-boreal subalpine scrub-silty slopes, shallow (23%)
Lithic Humicryods
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 13 cm
mountain slopes / Backslope
E23-boreal rock outcrop and rubbleland (6%)

Hydric: Unranked
mountain slopes / Backslope
E23-boreal subalpine meadow-silty wet slopes (5%)
Typic Cryaquands
Poorly drained
Hydric: Yes
PAWS: 20 cm
E23-boreal subalpine woodland-silty slopes (2%)
Andic Humicryods
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 21 cm
mountain slopes / Backslope
mountain slopes / Footslope