Firestone and Conasauga silt loams, 8 to 15 percent slopes

Firestone (45%)
Thermic Interbedded Sedimentary Uplands
Chromic Vertic Hapludalfs
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 22 cm
hillslopes / Backslope
Conasauga (40%)
Thermic Interbedded Sedimentary Uplands
Typic Hapludalfs
Moderately well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 10 cm
hillslopes / Backslope
Gaylesville (1%)
Aeric Endoaqualfs
Somewhat poorly drained
Hydric: Yes
PAWS: 21 cm
drainageways / Toeslope