Raghigh-Thibadeau-Zealot complex, 1 to 5 percent slopes

Raghigh (35%)
Loamy Pinedale Plateau (Ly PP)
Aridic Haplustalfs
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 18 cm
alluvial flats
Thibadeau (30%)
Saline Subirrigated Foothills and Basins West (SS)
Oxyaquic Ustifluvents
Somewhat poorly drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 25 cm
flood plains
Zealot (20%)
Saline Upland Foothills and Basins West (SU)
Torrertic Natrustalfs
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 25 cm
stream terraces
Mountairy (10%)
Loamy Pinedale Plateau (Ly PP)
Aridic Haplustalfs
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 26 cm
stream terraces
Sodic Hydraquents (5%)
Wetland Foothills and Basins West (WL)
Sodic Hydraquents
Very poorly drained
Hydric: Yes
PAWS: 31 cm
flood plains