Soils with loamy fine sand or loam texture in surface layer (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Soils with depth to till between 40 and 60 inches (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Soils with silty lacustrine sediments in the substratum (%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Harbor (87%) Moist Calcareous Drift Flats Aquic Hapludalfs Moderately well drained Hydric: No PAWS: 27 cm |
longshore bars (relict) lake plains deltas beach ridges / Summit beach ridges / Shoulder beach ridges / Backslope
Painesville (10%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |
Conneaut (3%)
Hydric: PAWS: NA |