Centennial gravelly loamy sand, 4 to 8 percent slopes

Centennial (80%)
Arid Active Alluvial Fans
Argic Petrocalcids
Somewhat excessively drained
Hydric: Unranked
PAWS: 8 cm
fan remnants
Typic Haplargids (7%)
Arid Active Alluvial Fans
Typic Haplargids
Somewhat excessively drained
Hydric: Unranked
PAWS: 6 cm
fan remnants
Typic Calciargids (5%)
Loamy Fan Remnants And Pediments
Typic Calciargids
Excessively drained
Hydric: Unranked
PAWS: 8 cm
fan remnants
Lithic Haplargids (2%)
Warm Shallow Pediments
Lithic Haplargids
Poorly drained
Hydric: Unranked
PAWS: 2 cm
rock pediments
Riverwash (2%)

Hydric: Unranked
Typic Torriorthents (2%)
Arid Active Alluvial Fans
Typic Torriorthents
Excessively drained
Hydric: Unranked
PAWS: 9 cm
inset fans
Typic Torriorthents (1%)
Frequently Flooded, Gravelly, Hyperthermic To Warm-Thermic Ephemeral Stream
Typic Torriorthents
Excessively drained
Hydric: Unranked
PAWS: 3 cm
inset fans
Rock outcrop (1%)

Hydric: Unranked