Typic Vitrixerands-Hugus-Honeyjones families, complex, moderately weathered belt rock, dissected breaklands, south aspects

Typic Vitrixerands (35%)
Warm-Frigid, Xeric, Unglaciated, Loamy, Metasedimentary, Hills and Mountains, Ashy surface (Douglas-fir/dry shrub) Douglas fir / mallow ninebark - common snowberry
Warm-Frigid, Moist-Xeric, Unglaciated, Loamy, Mountains, Metasedimentary, Ashy Surface, (grand fir) grand fir/ mallow ninebark - common snowberry
Typic Vitrixerands
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 12 cm
valley sides
Hugus (30%)
Warm-Frigid, Dry-Udic, Unglaciated, Loamy, Mountains, Metasedimentary, Ashy surface (grand fir) (grand fir) Grand Fir / Bride's Bonnet
Alfic Udivitrands
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 17 cm
mountain slopes
Honeyjones (15%)
Frigid, Udic, Unglaciated, Loamy, Hills and Mountains, Metasedimentary (western hemlock/moist herb) Western hemlock/Brides bonnet-wild ginger
Warm-Frigid, Udic, Unglaciated, Loamy, Hills and Mountains, Metasedimentary, Ashy surface Western Redcedar / Bride's Bonnet - Wild Ginger Western Redcedar / Bride's Bonnet - Wild Ginger
Typic Udivitrands
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 13 cm
mountain slopes