Glaciercreek-Typic Udifluvents-Marblecreek families, complex, granitic alluvial substratum, narrow valley bottoms and toeslopes

Glaciercreek (40%)
Warm-Frigid, Udic, Loamy Foothills/Valleys, high water table (western redcedar, moist herb) Thuja plicata / Clintonia uniflora
Frigid, Udic, Unglaciated, Loamy, Hills, Mountains and Valleys, Ashy surface (western hemlock/moist herb) Western hemlock/Brides bonnet-wild ginger
Andic Eutrudepts
Moderately well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 11 cm
mountain slopes
Typic Udifluvents (25%)
Frigid, Udic, Loamy Foothills/Mountainsides, mixed ash surface (Western Hemlock/Moist Forbes) Tsuga heterophylla / Clintonia uniflora , Tsuga heterophylla / Asarum caudatum
Typic Udifluvents
Somewhat excessively drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 8 cm
flood plains / Toeslope
Marblecreek (20%)
Warm-Frigid, Udic, Loamy Foothills/Valleys, high water table (western redcedar, moist herb) Thuja plicata / Clintonia uniflora
Andic Eutrudepts
Moderately well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 20 cm
mountain slopes