Aljibe-Guama-Indiera complex, 20 to 60 percent slopes

Aljibe (40%)
Wet serpentine mountain and valley woodland, shallow soil
Lithic Haploperox
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 14 cm
mountain slopes / Summit
mountain slopes / Shoulder
Guama (30%)
Rhodic Haploperox
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 23 cm
mountain slopes / Summit
mountain slopes / Shoulder
Indiera (25%)
Typic Haploperox
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 15 cm
mountain slopes / Summit
mountain slopes / Shoulder
Hoconuco (2%)
Wet serpentine mountain and valley woodland, shallow soil
Typic Argiudolls
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 3 cm
mountain slopes / Summit
mountain slopes / Shoulder
mountain slopes / Backslope
El Descanso (2%)
Wet serpentine mountain and valley woodland, shallow soil
Lithic Argiudolls
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 1 cm
mountain slopes / Summit
mountain slopes / Shoulder
mountain slopes / Backslope
Cerro Gordo (1%)
Wet serpentine mountain and valley woodland, deeper soil
Typic Haploperox
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 20 cm
ridges / Summit
ridges / Shoulder