Ustic Calcicryolls-Thornburgh-Tiban families, complex, 10 to 30 percent slopes

Ustic Calcicryolls (40%)
Shallow Loamy (SwLy) 15-19 Foothills and Mountains East Precipitation Zone
Ustic Calcicryolls
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 14 cm
mountain slopes
Tiban (25%)
Coarse Upland (CU) 15-19 Foothills and Mountains East Precipitation Zone
Ustic Haplocryolls
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 12 cm
debris flows
Thornburgh (25%)
Upland Warm Woodland Group
Ustic Haplocryolls
Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 14 cm
mountain slopes
Haplocryolls (10%)

Well drained
Hydric: No
PAWS: 9 cm