Component Table Dump
Metadata for this table can be found on page 35 of the NRCS SSURGO documentation.
A CSV version of this data can be accessed by clicking here.
Column | Value |
areasymbol | in155 |
comppct_l | 100 |
comppct_r | 100 |
comppct_h | 100 |
compname | Water |
compkind | Miscellaneous area |
majcompflag | Yes |
otherph | |
localphase | |
slope_l | |
slope_r | |
slope_h | |
slopelenusle_l | |
slopelenusle_r | |
slopelenusle_h | |
runoff | |
tfact | |
wei | |
weg | |
erocl | |
earthcovkind1 | |
earthcovkind2 | |
hydricon | |
hydricrating | No |
drainagecl | |
elev_l | |
elev_r | |
elev_h | |
aspectccwise | 360 |
aspectrep | 270 |
aspectcwise | 0 |
geomdesc | |
albedodry_l | |
albedodry_r | |
albedodry_h | |
airtempa_l | |
airtempa_r | |
airtempa_h | |
map_l | |
map_r | |
map_h | |
reannualprecip_l | |
reannualprecip_r | |
reannualprecip_h | |
ffd_l | |
ffd_r | |
ffd_h | |
nirrcapcl | |
nirrcapscl | |
nirrcapunit | |
irrcapcl | |
irrcapscl | |
irrcapunit | |
cropprodindex | |
constreeshrubgrp | |
wndbrksuitgrp | |
rsprod_l | |
rsprod_r | |
rsprod_h | |
foragesuitgrpid | |
wlgrain | |
wlgrass | |
wlherbaceous | |
wlshrub | |
wlconiferous | |
wlhardwood | |
wlwetplant | |
wlshallowwat | |
wlrangeland | |
wlopenland | |
wlwoodland | |
wlwetland | |
soilslippot | |
frostact | |
initsub_l | |
initsub_r | |
initsub_h | |
totalsub_l | |
totalsub_r | |
totalsub_h | |
hydgrp | |
corcon | |
corsteel | |
taxclname | |
taxorder | |
taxsuborder | |
taxgrtgroup | |
taxsubgrp | |
taxpartsize | |
taxpartsizemod | |
taxceactcl | |
taxreaction | |
taxtempcl | mesic |
taxmoistscl | |
taxtempregime | mesic |
soiltaxedition | tenth edition |
castorieindex | |
flecolcomnum | |
flhe | |
flphe | |
flsoilleachpot | |
flsoirunoffpot | |
fltemik2use | N/A |
fltriumph2use | N/A |
indraingrp | |
innitrateleachi | |
misoimgmtgrp | |
vasoimgtgrp | |
mukey | 1697655 |
cokey | 24030369 |