Click a link below to display the diagram. Note that these diagrams may be from multiple survey areas.
- CO-2011-05-27-16 | Prowers County - 1966
Main soils and underlying materials in soil association 5 (Soil Survey of Prowers County, Colorado; 1966).
- CO-2011-05-27-19 | Prowers County - 1966
Cross sections showing relationships of the soils to the landscape and to the underlying geologic formations in Prowers County. The upper cross section shows relationships in the western part of the county, and the lower shows those in the eastern part of the county (Soil Survey of Prowers County, Colorado; 1966).
- KS-2012-01-20-26 | Clark County - December 1982
Typical pattern of soils in the Pratt-Tivoli-Kingsdown association (Soil Survey of Clark County, Kansas; 1982).
- KS-2012-01-20-49 | Edwards County - September 1973
Pattern of soils in associations 1, 3, and 7. Association 1 is to the left of Big Coon Creek. Association 7 extends from Big Coon Creek to the Arkansas River. Association 3 is to the right of the Arkansas River (Soil Survey of Edwards County, Kansas; 1973).
- KS-2012-01-23-02 | Finney County - November 1965
Typical cross section of the valley of the Arkansas River (Soil Survey of Finney County, Kansas; 1965).
- KS-2012-01-23-04 | Finney County - November 1965
Typical cross section of the Manter-Keith association (Soil Survey of Finney County, Kansas; 1965).
- KS-2012-01-23-05 | Ford County - August 1965
A geologic cross section west of Dodge City showing the major soil associations in Ford County (Soil Survey of Ford County, Kansas; 1965).
- KS-2012-01-23-13 | Grant County - December 1969
Relationships of soils in association 2 (Soil Survey of Grant County, Kansas; 1969).
- KS-2012-01-23-15 | Grant County - December 1969
Relationships of soils in association 4 (Soil Survey of Grant County, Kansas; 1969).
- KS-2012-01-23-16 | Grant County - December 1969
Relationships of soils in association 5 (Soil Survey of Grant County, Kansas; 1969).
- KS-2012-01-23-18 | Gray County - January 1968
Soils of the Mansic-Ulysses soil association are on the right; on the left are soils of the Pratt-Tivoli soil association (Soil Survey of Gray County, Kansas; 1968).
- KS-2012-01-23-20 | Gray County - January 1968
Approximate geologic cross section through the central part of Gray County and the general location of soils on the landscape (Soil Survey of Gray County, Kansas; 1968).
- KS-2012-01-23-25 | Hamilton County - November 1961
Geologic profile extending in a north-south direction through the central part of Hamilton County (Soil Survey of Hamilton County, Kansas; 1961).
- KS-2012-01-23-27 | Harvey County - November 1974
Typical pattern of soils in the Dillwyn-Tivoli association (Soil Survey of Harvey County, Kansas; 1974).
- KS-2012-01-23-30 | Haskell County - October 1968
Typical topographic relation of three soil associations in Haskell County. Tivoli-Vona association, the farthest north, blocks drainageways flowing from the Satanta-Manter and the Richfield-Ulysses associations to the south (Soil Survey of Haskell County, Kansas; 1968).
- KS-2012-01-23-31 | Haskell County - October 1968
Soils of the Richfield-Ulysses association in the central part of the county (Soil Survey of Haskell County, Kansas; 1968).
- KS-2012-01-23-44 | Kearny County - November 1963
An approximate geologic profile of Kearny County, extending in a north-south direction across the county near Hartland (Soil Survey of Kearny County, Kansas; 1963).
- KS-2012-01-25-13 | Pratt County - September 1968
Major soils of associations 1 and 2 and the positions they normally occupy on the landscape (Soil Survey of Pratt County, Kansas; 1968).
- KS-2012-01-25-27 | Rice County - December 1974
Distribution of the soils in the Carwile-Farnum-Tabler and Canadian-Kaski-Platte associations (Soil Survey of Rice County, Kansas; 1974).
- KS-2012-01-26-11 | Stanton County - December 1961
Diagram of the Manter-Dalhart-Ulysses soil association in the valley of Bear Creek (Soil Survey of Stanton County, Kansas; 1961).
- KS-2012-01-26-14 | Stevens County - October 1961
Geological cross section through the central part of Stevens County (Soil Survey of Stevens County, Kansas; 1961).
- NM-2012-02-14-03 | Harding County - November 1973
Typical pattern of soils in association 10 in the eastern part of the county (Soil Survey of Harding County, New Mexico; November 1973).
- NM-2012-02-14-11 | Lea County - January 1974
Typical pattern of soils, topography, and underlying material in Brownfield-Patricia-Tivoli association (Soil Survey of Lea County, New Mexico; January 1974).
- NM-2012-02-14-17 | Portales Area - May 1959
Relative position and underlying material of main soils of Portales Valley: A, B, Mansker (shallow) and Potter (very shallow), underlain by rocky caliche and High Plains marl. C, Church, underlain by strongly calcareous lake sediments. D, Drake, underlain by strongly calcareous sediments from lakebeds. E, F, Arch and Portales, underlain by strongly calcareous valley fill of mixed wind- and water-deposited materials. G, Blackwater, underlain by valley fill and, in turn, by hard caliche at moderate depths. H, Clovis, underlain by mixed water- and wind-deposited sediments from the High Plains upland. I, J, K, Kimbrough, Amarillo, and Arvana, underlain by mixed water- and wind-deposited materials from the High Plains upland; Kimbrough soils underlain by hard caliche at shallow depth, and Arvana soils by hard caliche at moderate depth. L, M, Springer (deep) and Tivoli (very deep), underlain by wind-deposited sands (Soil Survey of Portales Area, New Mexico; May 1959).
- NM-2012-02-15-01 | Roosevelt County - March 1967
Generalized diagram of soil patterns that extend southwest to northeast through Roosevelt County (Soil Survey of Roosevelt County, New Mexico; March 1967).
- OK-2010-09-29-19 | Woods County - 2003
Typical pattern of soils and underlying material in the Eda-Devol-Lovedale general soil map unit (Soil Survey of Woods County, Oklahoma; 2003).
- OK-2012-02-16-03 | Beaver County - August 1962
Parent material and parent rock of most of the soils in Beaver County, and their position on the landscape (Soil Survey of Beaver County, Oklahoma; August 1962).
- OK-2012-02-16-09 | Cimarron County - June 1960
Typical landscape in the central and eastern part of Cimarron County: Associations 1, 2, 3, and 5 (Soil Survey of Cimarron County, Oklahoma; June 1960).
- OK-2012-02-16-21 | Cotton County - December 1963
Typical pattern of Pratt, Tivoli, and associated soils (Soil Survey of Cotton County, Oklahoma; December 1963).
- OK-2012-02-16-26 | Dewey County - December 1963
Typical pattern of the soils in association 4 (Soil Survey of Dewey County, Oklahoma; December 1963).
- OK-2012-02-16-27 | Dewey County - December 1963
Typical pattern of most of the soils in association 5 (Soil Survey of Dewey County, Oklahoma; December 1963).
- OK-2012-02-16-35 | Greer County - March 1967
Major soils in soil association 1, and their relation to the landscape (Soil Survey of Greer County, Oklahoma; March 1967).
- OK-2012-02-16-46 | Harper County - June 1960
A schematic drawing showing a normal pattern of soils formed on alluvial plains and on windblown sands. The typical slope range is given for each soil (Soil Survey of Harper County, Oklahoma; June 1960).
- OK-2012-02-16-52 | Jackson County - June 1961
Typical pattern of Miles, Enterprise, Tivoli, and associated soil (Soil Survey of Jackson County, Oklahoma; June 1961).
- OK-2012-02-17-12 | Major County - October 1968
Soil associations in the central part of the county (Soil Survey of Major County, Oklahoma; October 1968).
- OK-2012-02-17-13 | Major County - October 1968
Cross section along a line extending across the middle of the county from the western to the eastern boundary (Soil Survey of Major County, Oklahoma; October 1968).
- OK-2012-02-17-54 | Texas County - July 1961
Typical pattern of the soils in association 4, Texas County, Okla (Soil Survey of Texas County, Oklahoma; July 1961).
- OK-2012-02-17-59 | Woodward County - November 1963
Typical pattern of soils of the Pratt association (Soil Survey of Woodward County, Oklahoma; November 1963).
- OK-2012-02-17-61 | Woodward County - November 1963
Typical pattern of soils of the Lincoln-Las Animas association (Soil Survey of Woodward County, Oklahoma; November 1963).
- TX-2010-11-02-22 | Carson County -
General relationship of the soils in Carson County (Soil Survey of Carson County, Texas).
- TX-2012-03-20-02 | Bailey County - April 1963
Typical patterns of soils in the Tivoli-Brownfield association and the Amarillo loamy fine sand association (Soil Survey of Bailey County, TX; 1963).
- TX-2012-03-20-10 | Carson County - July 1962
General relationship of the soils in Carson County (Soil Survey of Carson County, TX; 1962).
- TX-2012-03-20-15 | Carson County - July 1962
Soil toposequence of the escarpment separating the High Plains from the Rolling Plains (Soil Survey of Carson County, TX; 1962).
- TX-2012-03-20-20 | Childress County - July 1963
Soils developed in eolian materials (Soil Survey of Childress County, TX; 1963).
- TX-2012-03-20-35 | Dawson County - August 1960
Soils on high plains developed from sandy parent material (Soil Survey of Dawson County, TX; 1960).
- TX-2012-03-21-21 | Lamb County - March 1962
Some soils of general soil area 3 (Soil Survey of Lamb County, TX; 1962).
- TX-2012-03-21-36 | Lipscomb County - December 1975
Pattern of soils and underlying material in association 3 (Soil Survey of Lipscomb County, TX; 1975).
- TX-2012-03-21-92 | Terry County - February 1962
Soils developed from sandy parent material (Soil Survey of Terry County, TX; 1962).
- TX-2012-03-22-04 | Wheeler County - October 1975
Relationship of soils in the Devol-Tivoli association to parent material and relief (Soil Survey of Wheeler County, TX; 1975).
- TX-2012-03-22-08 | Wilbarger County - September 1962
Block diagram showing the geographical association of the soils in association 2. Here, the soils formed in a mantle of windblown sand, which lies over sandy outwash material (Soil Survey of Wilbarger County, TX; 1962).