Egeland sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes | 141B | 1006 | 397484 | 2w8dr | mn005 | 1994 | 1:20000 |
Egeland fine sandy loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes | 141C | 325 | 397485 | 2w8ds | mn005 | 1994 | 1:20000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | 141A | 1960 | 396057 | 2w8dq | mn011 | 1990 | 1:20000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes | 141B | 502 | 396058 | 2w8dr | mn011 | 1990 | 1:20000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes | J8B | 3852 | 2423031 | 2w8dr | mn023 | 1980 | 1:15840 |
Egeland sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | J8A | 1792 | 2423030 | 2w8dq | mn023 | 1980 | 1:15840 |
Torning-Egeland complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | J58B | 31 | 2423062 | 2mbd9 | mn023 | 1980 | 1:15840 |
Egeland sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes | 141B | 5457 | 430230 | 2w8dr | mn073 | 1994 | 1:20000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | 141A | 2136 | 430229 | 2w8dq | mn073 | 1994 | 1:20000 |
Egeland fine sandy loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes | 141C | 333 | 430231 | 2w8ds | mn073 | 1994 | 1:20000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes | 141B | 1944 | 1859428 | 20dwk | mn101 | 2008 | 1:12000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes | J8B | 1183 | 1481320 | 1lqfj | mn101 | 2008 | 1:12000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | 141A | 736 | 1859427 | 20dwj | mn101 | 2008 | 1:12000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | J8A | 531 | 1481319 | 1lqfh | mn101 | 2008 | 1:12000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes | 141B | 2662 | 435634 | 2w8dr | mn111 | 1996 | 1:20000 |
Egeland fine sandy loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes | 141C | 1790 | 435635 | 2w8ds | mn111 | 1996 | 1:20000 |
Egeland fine sandy loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes | 141D | 460 | 435636 | 2w8dt | mn111 | 1996 | 1:20000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | J8A | 6415 | 434771 | 2w8dq | mn151 | 2000 | 1:12000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes | J8B | 4629 | 434772 | 2w8dr | mn151 | 2000 | 1:12000 |
Torning-Egeland complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | J58B | 1345 | 434851 | glhg | mn151 | 2000 | 1:12000 |
Egeland loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | I187A | 676 | 2799955 | 2l6wq | mn155 | 1986 | 1:20000 |
Egeland loam | 141 | 114 | 357341 | czv4 | mn155 | 1986 | 1:20000 |
Egeland loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes | 141B | 2460 | 1653568 | 1shnx | mn173 | 1979 | 1:20000 |
Egeland loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | 141A | 2272 | 1653567 | 1shnw | mn173 | 1979 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 1672 | 2573606 | 2q5bs | nd003 | 1988 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | F377B | 2334 | 2587627 | 2q54j | nd005 | | 1:12000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 457 | 2573757 | 2q5bs | nd005 | | 1:12000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | F377B | 8430 | 2585914 | 2q54j | nd009 | 1981 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | I423B | 1145 | 3108434 | 2xppc | nd017 | 1983 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | I495A | 1048 | 2521591 | 1tbn5 | nd017 | 1983 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | I423A | 865 | 3108433 | 2xppb | nd017 | 1983 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | I495B | 613 | 2640924 | 1tbn4 | nd017 | 1983 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 2463 | 2575329 | 2q5bs | nd021 | 1989 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Letcher fine sandy loams, till substratum, 0 to 6 percent slopes | G373B | 915 | 2765551 | 2sd2y | nd021 | 1989 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, till substratum, 0 to 6 percent slopes | G371B | 184 | 2765550 | 2sd2x | nd021 | 1989 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | G377A | 1394 | 2576297 | 2q5br | nd027 | | 1:12000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 1115 | 2576298 | 2q5bs | nd027 | | 1:12000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | G377C | 248 | 2576361 | 2q61x | nd027 | | 1:12000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 2198 | 2576443 | 2q5bs | nd031 | 1990 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | I495A | 518 | 2642524 | 1tbn5 | nd035 | 1980 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 82 | 2576514 | 2q5bs | nd035 | 1980 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 2002 | 2576626 | 2q5bs | nd039 | 1991 | 1:24000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | G378A | 427 | 2577072 | 2q5bv | nd045 | 1966 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 365 | 2577071 | 2q5bs | nd045 | 1966 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | G377C | 66 | 2577140 | 2q61x | nd045 | 1966 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | F377B | 5942 | 2585610 | 2q54j | nd049 | 1987 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | F378A | 1964 | 2585628 | 2q54k | nd049 | 1987 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | G378A | 412 | 2571366 | 2q5bv | nd049 | 1987 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 361 | 2571365 | 2q5bs | nd049 | 1987 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | G377C | 21 | 2573432 | 2q61x | nd049 | 1987 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | G377C | 366 | 2577178 | 2q61x | nd055 | 1974 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 221 | 2577181 | 2q5bs | nd055 | 1974 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 900 | 2577322 | 2q5bs | nd063 | | 1:12000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | F377B | 37 | 2587322 | 2q54j | nd063 | | 1:12000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | G377A | 1 | 2577321 | 2q5br | nd063 | | 1:12000 |
Egeland loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | I187A | 898 | 2642999 | 2l6wq | nd067 | 1972 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | I495B | 140 | 2642992 | 1tbn4 | nd067 | 1972 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | F377B | 3951 | 2587195 | 2q54j | nd069 | 1975 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 1505 | 2582306 | 2q5bs | nd069 | 1975 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | G377C | 60 | 2582339 | 2q61x | nd069 | 1975 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | I423A | 2038 | 3108437 | 2xppb | nd073 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | I423B | 1339 | 3108438 | 2xppc | nd073 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 519 | 2581172 | 2q5bs | nd073 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | F377B | 506 | 2585351 | 2q54j | nd075 | 1972 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | F378A | 4771 | 2588050 | 2q54k | nd079 | 1990 | 1:24000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | F377B | 803 | 2588032 | 2q54j | nd079 | 1990 | 1:24000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 1109 | 2579760 | 2q5bs | nd091 | 1991 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | I495B | 247 | 2641397 | 1tbn4 | nd091 | 1991 | 1:20000 |
Egeland loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | I187A | 16 | 2641405 | 2l6wq | nd091 | 1991 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 881 | 2581373 | 2q5bs | nd093 | 1990 | 1:24000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | F378A | 2421 | 2586214 | 2q54k | nd095 | 1992 | 1:24000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | I495A | 2125 | 2642441 | 1tbn5 | nd097 | 1974 | 1:20000 |
Egeland loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | I187A | 555 | 2642465 | 2l6wq | nd097 | 1974 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 146 | 2579813 | 2q5bs | nd097 | 1974 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | I495B | 110 | 2642440 | 1tbn4 | nd097 | 1974 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | F377B | 1846 | 2585138 | 2q54j | nd101 | 1967 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | G377A | 10292 | 2579653 | 2q5br | nd103 | 1966 | 1:12000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 3821 | 2579654 | 2q5bs | nd103 | 1966 | 1:12000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, coteau, 2 to 6 percent slopes | Z186B | 1530 | 2765317 | 2qjnt | sd011 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, coteau, 0 to 2 percent slopes | Z185A | 773 | 2765315 | 2qjnr | sd011 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, coteau, 2 to 6 percent slopes | Z185B | 517 | 2765316 | 2qjns | sd011 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | MaC | 362 | 418781 | g1s2 | sd011 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | EgB | 353 | 418750 | g1r2 | sd011 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, coteau, 6 to 9 percent slopes | Z186C | 341 | 2765318 | 2qjnv | sd011 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | MaB | 274 | 418780 | g1s1 | sd011 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes | EgA | 67 | 418749 | g1r1 | sd011 | 1995 | 1:24000 |
Egeland-Letcher fine sandy loams, till substratum, 0 to 6 percent slopes | G373B | 2668 | 2797762 | 2sd2y | sd013 | 1987 | 1:20000 |
Egeland, sandy substratum-Embden fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G378B | 2346 | 2797765 | 2sd32 | sd013 | 1987 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | G378A | 1683 | 2797673 | 2q5bv | sd013 | 1987 | 1:20000 |
Barnes-Egeland, till substratum complex, 3 to 6 percent slopes | G772B | 853 | 2797818 | 2sd5j | sd013 | 1987 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, till substratum, 0 to 6 percent slopes | G371B | 381 | 2797761 | 2sd2x | sd013 | 1987 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes | G374A | 54 | 2797763 | 2sd2z | sd013 | 1987 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | EgB | 9650 | 417722 | g0nx | sd025 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes | EgA | 3089 | 417721 | g0nw | sd025 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | MaC | 2969 | 417757 | g0q1 | sd025 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes | G374A | 1635 | 2798015 | 2sd2z | sd025 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | MaB | 938 | 417756 | g0q0 | sd025 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G374B | 501 | 2798016 | 2sd30 | sd025 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G380B | 93 | 2798017 | 2sd33 | sd025 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | G380C | 77 | 2798018 | 2sd34 | sd025 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, coteau, 2 to 6 percent slopes | Z186B | 1136 | 2765239 | 2qjnt | sd029 | 2006 | 1:12000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, coteau, 2 to 6 percent slopes | Z185B | 566 | 2765238 | 2qjns | sd029 | 2006 | 1:12000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, coteau, 6 to 9 percent slopes | Z186C | 279 | 2765240 | 2qjnv | sd029 | 2006 | 1:12000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, coteau, 0 to 2 percent slopes | Z185A | 206 | 2765237 | 2qjnr | sd029 | 2006 | 1:12000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | MaB | 2342 | 417103 | g00y | sd037 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | EgB | 1713 | 417069 | fzzv | sd037 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 6 to 12 percent slopes | MaC | 1238 | 417104 | g00z | sd037 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes | MaA | 415 | 417102 | g00x | sd037 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G380B | 113 | 2798493 | 2sd33 | sd037 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | G380C | 74 | 2798494 | 2sd34 | sd037 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G374B | 43 | 2798492 | 2sd30 | sd037 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 13 | 2798456 | 2q5bs | sd037 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | EgB | 691 | 416851 | fzrt | sd039 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, coteau, 2 to 6 percent slopes | Z185B | 317 | 2712977 | 2qjns | sd039 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes | EgA | 241 | 416850 | fzrs | sd039 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, coteau, 0 to 2 percent slopes | Z185A | 73 | 2712976 | 2qjnr | sd039 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes | EaB | 2220 | 418144 | 2w8dr | sd051 | 1977 | 1:20000 |
Egeland sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes | EaA | 1505 | 418143 | 2w8dq | sd051 | 1977 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, coteau, 2 to 6 percent slopes | Z185B | 464 | 2712894 | 2qjns | sd051 | 1977 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, coteau, 0 to 2 percent slopes | Z185A | 159 | 2712893 | 2qjnr | sd051 | 1977 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, coteau, 2 to 6 percent slopes | Z186B | 38 | 2712895 | 2qjnt | sd051 | 1977 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, coteau, 6 to 9 percent slopes | Z186C | 13 | 2712896 | 2qjnv | sd051 | 1977 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, coteau, 2 to 6 percent slopes | Z185B | 2192 | 2765352 | 2qjns | sd057 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, coteau, 2 to 6 percent slopes | Z186B | 555 | 2765372 | 2qjnt | sd057 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | EgB | 338 | 417271 | g06c | sd057 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, coteau, 0 to 2 percent slopes | Z185A | 139 | 2765386 | 2qjnr | sd057 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Maddock sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | EmC | 127 | 417272 | g06d | sd057 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, coteau, 6 to 9 percent slopes | Z186C | 119 | 2765376 | 2qjnv | sd057 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | EgB | 1353 | 417478 | g0f1 | sd077 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes | EgA | 1179 | 417477 | g0f0 | sd077 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Maddock sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | EmC | 182 | 417479 | g0f2 | sd077 | 1992 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden fine sandy loams, till substratum, 0 to 6 percent slopes | G371B | 743 | 2799246 | 2sd2x | sd089 | 1980 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Letcher fine sandy loams, till substratum, 0 to 6 percent slopes | G373B | 228 | 2799247 | 2sd2y | sd089 | 1980 | 1:20000 |
Embden-Egeland fine sandy loams, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G377B | 6164 | 2799292 | 2q5bs | sd091 | 1970 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, coteau, 0 to 2 percent slopes | Z185A | 17 | 2712795 | 2qjnr | sd109 | 1977 | 1:20000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes | G374A | 1487 | 2799592 | 2sd2z | sd115 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Egeland-Embden complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes | G374B | 311 | 2799593 | 2sd30 | sd115 | 1997 | 1:24000 |
Maddock-Egeland sandy loams, 6 to 9 percent slopes | G380C | 47 | 2799594 | 2sd34 | sd115 | 1997 | 1:24000 |