Search selected sections of OSD records, optionally filtered by MLRA(s)

Searches use the specialized syntax of PostgreSQL fulltext indexing and query system. Multiple MLRA symbols should be given as a comma-delimited list without spaces.

Searches are limited to the top 100 matches; open-ended queries could return many thousands of results.

Each search field (except for the "brief narrative" and MLRA) corresponds with a section header in an OSD. The results may not include every OSD due to formatting errors and typos.

Results are scored based on the number of times search terms match words in associated sections. Weights can be assigned in order to give precendence to specific sections.

Searches are limited to the top 100 matches; open-ended queries could return many thousands of results.


Weight  QueryExampleMeaning
Family Taxa: duri:* & thermic family level classification contains "duri" and "thermic"
Brief Narrative: metavolcanic series associated with "metavolcanic" rocks
Typical Pedon: cobbly & ashy & silt & loam "cobbly, ashy, silt, loam", any horizon
Range in Characteristics: lithic & bedrock "lithic" and "bedrock" described in RIC
Use and Vegetation: Wyoming & big & sagebrush associated with "Wyoming big sagebrush"
Competing Series: drummer "Drummer" is a competing series
Geographically Assoc. Soils: Inks "Inks" is a geographically associated series
Geographic Setting: strath & terrace "strath" and "terrace" in geographic setting narrative
MLRA(s):   18,22A constrain to MLRA 18 and 22A

Include profile sketches?

OSD records (updated 2023-10-06) and SC database (updated 2023-10-02)